The primary source of inorganic carbon to lakes.
What is the bicarbonate buffering cycle?
Cyanobacteria can transform atmospheric N2 to NH4 via this process.
What is N-fixation?
GPP is estimated based on production of this.
What is oxygen?
All phytoplankton have this pigment.
What is chlorophyll a?
These copepods have antenna shorter than their body length.
What are cyclopoids?
When respiration exceeds primary production, this happens to pH.
what is decreases?
This range of total phosphorus concentration is indicative of a eutrophic lake.
What is >30ug/L?
Metabolism estimates the production and consumption of this using oxygen as a proxy.
What is organic matter?
This adaptive trait allows non-motile phytoplankton to remain buoyant in the water column.
What is changing body shape? (will also accept S:V ratio or lipid content)
These types of zooplankton are most abundant in cold water or under ice.
What are ciliates?
This is another word for detritus, coined by Raymond Lindeman.
What is "ooze"?
Accumulated dissolved P can be released from lake sediments under these conditions.
What is anoxia or hypoxia?
We expect a lake with this trophic state to have the highest rates of metabolism.
What is eutrophic or hypereutrophic?
These phytoplankton "bloom" in early spring and late fall in dimictic lakes.
What are diatoms?
Zooplankton feeding rate scales with this morphological characteristic.
What is body size?
This term describes organic matter produced by organisms in the lake.
What is autochthonous?
This type of process involves gaining electrons and thus requires energy to proceed.
What is reduction or a reducing process?
We calculate daily metabolism rates by determining this.
What is the change in oxygen over 24 hours?
This type of phytoplankton can use photosynthesis or organic carbon to fuel metabolic processes.
What are mixotrophs?
In cladocerans, this term describes the creation of clones from the mother.
What is parthenogenesis?
This process is occurring in northern temperate lakes as they recover from acidification.
What is browning?
This newly-described process in the N cycle keeps reactive N cycling and can amplify eutrophication
What is DNRA?
When GPP>>R, you would expect pH to do this.
What is increase?
What are cyanobacteria?
This process describes the offset in spring phytoplankton blooms and diatom emergence caused by climate change.
What is a trophic mismatch?