Receiving and representing of external stimuli by sensory receptors and the nervous
What is sensation?
Type of conditioning which behaviors are either reinforced or punished
What is operant conditioning?
Type of person who is highly responsive to hypnosis
What is suggestible?
The ability to learn by witnessing or modeling the behavior of others
What is observational learning?
New name for short-term memory that better represents our understanding
What is working memory?
The process of converting outside energy into a form our brain can
What is transduction?
Type of learning where we link two or more stimuli
What is classical conditioning?
Memory construction research, such as the 'Lost in the Mall' study, demonstrate what about false memories
False memories often feel as a real as true memories
The type of behavior that children imitated in Bandura's Bobo the clown study
What is aggressive behavior?
The three-stage information processing model of memory
What is sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory?
Your ability to recognize the flavor of an onion based on its taste
What is perception?
A pleasant consequence presented after a behavior that strengthens the response it follows is an example of
What is positive reinforcement?
Concept best demonstrated by the McGurk effect
What is sensory interaction?
Eating a food that makes you sick forms a strong association between the flavor of the food and the sickness
What is conditioned taste aversion?
Type of memories that are automatically processed learned skills
What are implicit memories?
Your ability to detect minor differences between stimuli about 50% of the time
What is difference threshold?
A time-out is an example of this type of operant conditioning principle
What is negative punishment (penalty)?
Memory aids, such as chunking
What are mnemonics?
After watching someone else get in trouble for stealing, you stop stealing things to avoid the same consequence
What is vicarious punishment?
The two types of explicit memories
What are episodic and semantic memories?
Perceiving objects as having consistent shape, size, and color regardless of the angle, distance, and lighting conditions from which we view them
What is perceptual constancy?
Correctly identify the following stimuli and responses in Pavlov's experiments: Food, the sound of a bell, and salivation
Food - Unconditioned stimulus
The sound of a bell - Neutral stimulus -> conditioned stimulus
Salivation - Unconditioned response -> conditioned response
The ability to detect whether your body is in a horizontal or vertical position
What is the vestibular sense?
A. A vivid, highly detailed memory of an event, usually related to stress
B. Remembering to do something in the future
C. Type of information processing that doesn't require conscious awareness and results in priming effects
A. Flashbulb memory
B. Prospective memory
C. Automatic processing
Type of amnesia H.M. experienced after his surgery, resulting in his inability to form new explicit memories?
What is anterograde amnesia?