Name of the GUI toolkit we are using for this class
What is JavaFX?
Name 2 abstract data types
Ordering of an infix traversal on a BST
What is left-middle-right?
Name 2 data structures that can be represented with a graph
What are lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, and binary search trees?
The type of programming Java uses
What is Object-oriented programming?
The name of the function defined in the Application interface
What is start?
What is defining the behavior of a data structure from the point of view of its user?
Perform a pre-order traversal on the tree and state the order the elements were visited
What is 6-1-0-5-10-8-15?
What is no?
The process of the construction of a class
What is instantiation?
Method to display the UI for an Application instance
What is
How elements are removed from a queue vs a stack
What is FIFO vs LIFO?
Time complexity of a binary search
What is O(logn)?
A series of edges that connects two vertices together
What is a path?
The type of inheritance used when a class extends another
What is an Abstract Class?
The type of the argument passed into .setOnAction()
What is an ActionEvent?
What is a Node?
The method defined by the Comparable interface
What is compareTo?
The shortest path from A to E
What is A-B-C-F-E?
The type of code created after directions go through the compiler
What is Java Bytecode?
What is a BorderPane?
The steps that happen during an enqueue
What is making a new node with the added value, the node is added to the back of a queue, and the size of the queue is increased?
What is Comparator?
The minimum amount of methods defined to implement a graph
What is 6 (add, contains, size, connectDirected, connectUndirected, and connected)?
The type of inheritance to use when you don't need non-static fields
What is an Interface?