How many phalanges are found on one foot?
14 (big toe only has 2; all other toes have 3)
What is the most commonly sprained ligament in the ankle?
What does PRICE stand for?
The "C" in ACL stands for...?
The semimembranosus, semitendonosus and the biceps femoris make up which muscle group?
How many tarsal bones are there?
What special test assesses for a CFL sprain?
Talar Tilt (also tests Deltoid Ligaments)
What is the technical term for shin splints?
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
The Varus Stress Test assesses the integrity of which knee ligament?
What is the sitting bone of the hip?
What is turf toe?
Hyperextension of 1st MTP joint; sprain of MTP ligament
What ligament is damaged if a person has a "high ankle sprain?"
Tibiofibular Ligament
What can cause the calf muscle (or another muscle) to cramp/spasm?
Dehydration, fatigue, poor nutrition, weakness, atrophy, poor flexibility, excessive stress...
What is "jumper's knee?"
Patellar tendonitis
What is a "hip pointer?"
Iliac Crest Contusion
A positive Thompson test means...?
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Which special test is used to assess the integrity of the ATFL?
Anterior Drawer Test
Stress fractures can occur in any bone, but are most common in the lower leg. What is a stress fracture?
Point of weakness in the bone that is caused by excessive stress/overuse
Which special test is used to evaluate a meniscus injury?
McMurray's Test
Pain on the outside of the knee with no traumatic mechanism might indicate which injury/condition?
IT Band Syndrome
Chronic pain in the bottom of the foot, commonly focused at the heel, is indicative of which injury/condition?
Plantar fasciitis
Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia (and fibula) to make up the ankle joint?
What is the lateral bone of the lower leg?
An Anterior Drawer Test can be used to assess an ACL injury; what other special test can be used?
What muscles make up the quadriceps muscle group?
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius
Vastus medialis