How many syllables are in the word, "television"? Which syllable has primary stress?
3rd syllable
Transcribe the word "decision".
See slides.
Describe the vowel /i/.
/i/ is a tense, high front unrounded vowel.
/p, t, k/ are unaspirated when they occur after _____.
The consonant /s/.
What is ASHA?
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for SLPs, Audiologists, researchers, etc. (
How many syllables are in the word "procrastination"?Which one has primary stress?
4th syllable
Transcribe the word: "Miami".
See slides
What is the difference between tense and lax vowels? Provide an example.
Tense vowels can occur in open or closed syllables (/i/ in "bee). Lax vowels can only occur in closed syllables (/I/ in "big")
Which word has a syllabic ending?
1. Government
2. Crossing
3. Walked
4. Miracle
T/F: Speech and language services are not included in federal special education laws.
True! Speech or language impairments are the second most common disability for which children ages 6–21 are served under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
What are the three parts that make up a syllable? Provide one example.
Onset, nucleus and coda
Word: Bug
Onset: b
Nucleus: u
Coda: g
Transcribe the word: "quidditch"
What are the rounded vowels?
o, ʊ, ɔ, oʊ, aʊ, u
1. Tap at the beginning of "autumn"
2. Stressed syllable
3. Syllabic ending of "autumnal"
4. Velarized [ l ] in "autumnal"
How many members does ASHA have?
Draw a syllable tree for the word, "teapot".
O:t N: ea
O:p N: o C: t
Transcribe the word: "adjustment".
See slides
Which word is transcribed with a wedge?
1. wondrous
2. ridicule
3. futuristic
4. reduction
Which word/phrase would have a devoiced consonant?
1. The bookshelf
2. Bookshelf
3. More bookshelves
Almost what percent of Americans have some form of language impairment?
What is the coda of the word "strengths"?
Transcribe the word, "triumphant"
See slides.
What are the differences between the vowels: /I/ and /u/?
1. Front/back
2. Tense/Lax
3. Roundness
When do vowels become lengthened?
1. Before final voiced consonants and liquids
2. In stressed syllables
3. Open syllables
What is the difference between a speech disorder and a language disorder?
Speech disorders occur when a person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems with their voice.
Language disorders occur when a person has trouble understanding others (receptive language) or sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings completely (expressive language).