Cognitive & Physical Development Middle Childhood
Socioemotional Development Middle Childhood
Physical & Cognitive Development Adolescence
Socioemotional Development Adolescence

A 12-year-old student has an intelligence quotient of 100 and a __ __ of 12.

What is mental age?


A child is not disliked by classmates, but also does not receive attention from classmates. T

What is neglected?


These types of strategies are very fast. 

What are heuristic strategies?


A parent sets random rules for their children to follow and enforces them without explanation. This parenting style will MOST likely result in the teenage children displaying a(n) ____ identity status.

What is foreclosure?


According to this individual, there are nine types of intelligence, which include intrapersonal, naturalistic, and musical.

Who is Gardner?


 A child who is able to respond resourcefully in a new situation has high levels of this. 

What is ego resilience?


The type of problem-solving that adolescents tend to rely on. 

What is analytical problem-solving?


A person with this personality type would be described as someone who is highly task-oriented and who enjoys abstract thinking.

What is investigative?


Blake has the ability to effectively use emotions to help solve problems.

What is high emotional intelligence?


The best description of prejudice. 

What is a negative view of others based on their group membership?


An individual who thinks “It’s wrong to steal because there are laws against stealing, and no one is above the law.” Is most likely in Kohlberg’s _________ level of moral thinking.

What are conventional level?


This characterizes adolescent egocentrism.

What is self-absorption? 


According to Sternberg, this ability is MOST heavily focused on problem analysis.

What is analytic?


These involve telling a child when, what, and why they should do something.

What are direct instructions?


Research has indicated that changes in social settings and activities cause this in teenagers.

What is moodiness?


After exploring a number of career options, Antonio chooses to become a chemist. This level of identity status is what Antonio is most likely in.

What is achievement?


The two individuals who developed the first intelligence test.

Who are Binet and Simon?


These children within a family score higher on intelligence tests than these children within a family.

Who are firstborn children and later-born children?


Where the hormones that cause the maturation of the genitals in females come from.

What are the ovaries?


A seventeen-year-old develops an interest in psychology. If they are in Super’s specification stage of career development, the next step would MOST likely involve___________.

What is signing up for a course in introduction to psychology in college?


This was developed with the goal of identifying children who would need special help in school.

What is the first objective intelligence test?


Gio and Yolanda want their children to work hard. They have strict rules and expect their children to obey them without question. Gio and Yolanda are most likely ____ parents.

What are authoritarian parents?


One way to reduce the incidence of obesity in adolescence is to have teens engage in “regular activity.” This is the amount of time exercise must last every day. 

What is exercise must last for 60 minutes every day?


These types of studies on adolescent self-perception indicate that most teenagers feel good about themselves.

What are cross-cultural studies?


During this stage of Piaget's stages of development, children start to realize that different people have different opinions toward others. 

What is the concrete operational stage?


Clive says that Enrique is his best friend because “We like to play with each other, and Enrique always lets me use the soccer ball.” It is most likely that Clive is ____ years old.

What is 5 years old?


Estrogen is to androgen as _____ is to _____.

What are ovary and testis?


 This involves using one’s emerging identity as the basis for assessing possible careers.

What is crystallization?


Juhan loves to come up with new recipes to cook. However, the recipes rarely taste good, and most meals end up as leftovers. Within the skill of cooking, Juhan has poor ________________ ability.

What is practical ability?


In this stage of Selman’s model children appear unable to understand why someone would want to do something different than they want to do.

What is the initial stage of perspective-taking?


“it won’t happen to me." This phrase defines this illusion.

What is the illusion of invulnerability?


During the diffusion stage of identity status, a person's identity is determined by this. 

What are adults rather than by personal exploration?


A child's development of this is illustrated when playing at a sink saying, “It is fun to look at two different-size glasses, pouring water back and forth between them, and knowing that the amount of water stays the same even though the glass shapes differ.”

What is a mental operation?


Name two factors that influence a child's development according to the systems view of families. 

What are many external factors, including neighborhood, schools, work, religious organizations, and extended family.


Support for this theory includes data indicating that external forces have a greater impact on the moral behavior of those operating at the lower stages.

What is Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?


This is what programs to prevent adolescent violence and antisocial behavior target. 

What are academic and social skills in elementary school children?
