Every offence is defined by the four basic elements. Name them.
Actus Reus
Mens Rea
A right to privacy in one's own home is an example of what kind of privacy?
The power to arrest under TSA is found in what section?
Plain View
The Crown must not only prove the act, but also the intent. There are two basic types of intent. what are they?
Under SOPA, a police officer ________ take someone into custody if they are found to be intoxicated due to alcohol and likely to cause injury to themselves or others
You are permitted to search for the following items incident to arrest:
* evidence
*escape tools
* weapons
Provide the wording which explains the intent element for theft.
s. 322 - intent to deprive
If I throw my diary into the garbage and place it on the curb, I no longer have _______________?
an expectation of privacy
Under the CFSA a child is what under or apparently under __________ years old.
what power allows you to attend at a home and speak to the occupants?
Implied invitation to knock
Sometimes intention can be defined by the fact that somebody did something that they knew was risky but the did it anyway in spite of the risk. What is this called?
The "_______ test" is the legal analysis to determine whether a search is reasonable.
If a peace officer concludes on RGB that a child is in need of protection that shall take ________________.
all reasonable steps OR apprehend the child
What section of the Code allows you to enter a house to search without a warrant?
section 487.11
Lay out the elements for s. 267(b)
Actus: Application of force without consent, causing bodily harm
Mens rea: Intentionally
Name the 3 steps of the "_________" test.
* authorized by law?
* is the law reasonable?
* is the manner of the search reasonable?
Where no penalty is specified under AGRA, the maximum fine is $$$_____________ or _________
10,000 OR 6 months in jail, OR both
List 4 of the 6 criteria required for a valid consent to search
* voluntary
* reasons for request
* right to refuse
* consequences
* consent can be revoked
* authority to consent