Types of Memory
Research Studies
This type of memory involves vocabulary and knowledge.
What is Semantic Memory?
This type of intelligence involves perception, recall, drawing inferences, and processing speed.
What is fluid intelligence?
AD is affected by these two things in the brain.
What are neurofibrillary tangles and plaque buildup between nerves?
This is a symptom of PD. (name at least one)
What is a. tremor (hands, arms, legs, jaw and face), bradykinesia (slowness of movement), rigidity(stiffness of the limbs and trunk), postural instability (impaired balance and coordination)?
Jones et. al. conducted a study using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to help with this in older adults?
What is working memory?
This type of memory declines with age and involves memory of specific events.
What is Episodic memory?
This is a commonly used measurement of intelligence.
What is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAISIII)?
This is one type of symptom in AD patients.
What is Decline in coherent speech, spoken or written, Decline in ability to recognize or identify objects, Decline in performing motor activities, sensory function, and comprehension of task, Ability to make judgments, carry out complex tasks?
Freezing is this kind of PD symptom.
What is secondary motor?
Crumley et al. said that this memory involves remembering to perform a planned action or intention at some point in time, such as daily life.
What is Prospective memory?
This is an apparent recollection of an event that did not actually occur and may occur due to the implanting of fake memories under hypnosis.
What is false memory?
This is Ordinary Creativity.
What is the type of Creativity that peaks at 30 years then declines and can be affected by psychological and social changes?
These are related to the early onset of AD.
What are rare genetic variations involving chromosome 21 (Gene for amyloid precursor protein), Chromosome 14 on the gene for presenilin 1 protein, and chromosome 1 on the gene for presenilin 2?
This is the part of the brain affected by PD patients.
What is the substantia nigra?
This is was Spearman proposed intelligence as.
What is a single ability or "g"?
These are the three types of memory that use recollection, are age sensitive, and involved in autobiographical memory.
What are Flashbulb memories, Reminiscence bump, and False memories?
This thought is the process of understanding the relative and nonabsolute nature of knowledge.
What is Postformal Thought?
This is a type of drug for AD and is involved in learning and memory. (2 possible answers)
What is Cholinesterase inhibitors, which prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine and needed for learning and memory OR Memantine, which regulates activity of glutamate, another messenger involved in learning and memory?
This is a leader among genetic prospectors looking for clues to PD.
Who is Paul J. Lockhart, Ph.D.?
This researcher found that the greatest quality of productivity and creative contributions is between the ages of 30 and 50.
Who is Dennis's study in 1968 that suggested 80% of important creativity is completed by age 50.
These are the facts about meta-memory.
What is self appraisal of memory (1), some elderly exaggerate their memory impairment while others are very accurate (2), elderly who suffered depression view their memory as more impaired (3), sensory deficits and overall health are related to memory complaints (4)?
This is a contextual approach to problem solving.
What is solving problems by continuously creating new principles based on changing circumstance, instead of a set principle applied to all contexts?
This is the genetic factor involved in the later onset of AD.
What is Apolipoprotein E-e4 (ApoE-e4) and one of three common forms of the ApoE gene that has protein able to carry cholesterol in the bloodstream?
This is the amount of genetic links that Lockhart et al. found in regards to neurodegenerative and other disorders. (BONUS:name one of the five)
What is 5 in which one of them is known as "gene X" (underlies some cases of PD)?
This is what Dr. Perry's longitudinal study focused on and what he suggested.
What is the idea of reflective thinking, which is an important aspect of postformal thought and the suggestion of moving from dualistic thinking to more reflective and relativistic thinking through early young adulthood?