Sensation and Perception
Child Development
Adolescent Development
Learning/Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
What is the difference between sensation and perception?
Sensation is "a process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energy"

Perception is "a process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events".
In general, why do infants have reflexes?
These involuntary, 'hard wired" behaviors help with different aspects of survival in early life (before the brain is fully developed).
When does Adolescence begin and end?
From puberty to 18 or 20 (many say the first two decades of life)
What is "learning"?
A relatively permanent change in knowledge or behavior that results from experience.
What is reinforcement?
Any consequence that INCREASES the likelihood of a behavior.
Compare the Trichromatic Theory of color vision with the Opponent Process Theory
Trichromatic: three different retinal color receptors

Opponent Process: visual neurons are stimulate by light of one color and inhibited by light of another color
During physical development, what is the first motor skill that infants acquire?
Raising head
Describe Kohlberg's preconventional morality
During this stage, children seek reward and avoid punishment, and their "moral" choices are geared toward that.

Juvenile delinquents also tend to use preconventional moral thinking
In Ivan Pavlov's study with dogs, what was the unconditioned stimulus?
Meat powder!
What was concluded from the Bobo Doll experiment and what term do we use for it?
Children treated the bobo doll in whatever way they saw an adult treating it. We call this "social learning".
List three monocular cues of depth perception.
relative size
relative height
motion parallax
linear perspective
light and shadow
aerial perspective
texture gradient
Define "telegraphic speech" and give an example
Telegraphic speech – around 1 ½ years - 2 years old begin to string words together forming simple sentences – only words that carry meaning are including Mommy go, doggie go bye bye
Compare women and men's responses to early onset bodily changes.
Women: Early onset, negative body image

Men: Early onset, positive body image
Describe the difference between a conditioned response and unconditioned response
One is elicited by something natural (like food), and the other is elicited by something that the animal has to learn about (a stimulus that is initially neutral)
Give an example of positive punishment and negative punishment.
Positive punishment: something is added to the environment or situation that is aversive.

Negative punishment: something is taken away from the environment or situation that is desired.
Describe Weber's Law
To be perceived as different, two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage
How is the Piaget's concrete operational stage different from the formal operational stage?
Concrete operations: Can think logically about objects and events, and ask more questions, but still have difficulty with abstract concepts.

Formal operations: Children can manipulate Abstract information and make predictions based on logic and experience
Describe differences in women and men's moral reasoning.
Women tend to resolve moral dilemmas by using compassion. Nonviolent and hurt the fewest.

Men tend to use reason, abstract principles. Actions that lead to a “fair or just end”.

Is either of these reasoning forms superior to the other?
What is spontaneous recovery and when does it happen?
It is the reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred, and it happens after extinction for reasons that we don't completely understand.
Name this reinforcement schedule!

A student’s final grade improves one level for every three book reviews submitted.

Fixed or Variable?
Ratio or interval?
Fixed Ratio
List 4 of the 5 grouping tendencies of perceptual organization (Gestalt Psychology--the whole is more than the sum of its parts)
Describe the difference between assimilation and accommodation
Assimilation: Interpreting one’s new experience in terms of one’s existing schemas. (distort new information to fit your view)

Accommodation: Adapting one’s current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new information (changing your view of world)
List and describe the 4 parenting styles
Authoritative: they are managers, reasonable expectations, and responsive to the child when they do and don’t meet expectations. Focus on the behavior rather than the outcome. The child is always good.

Authoritarian: super high expectations, but their responsiveness is always negative. Drill sergeant type – good intentions but hurtful.

Neglectful: worst category – associated with psychological consequences, parents ignore them.

Indulgent: really low expectations, super responsive to everything the child does – child doesn’t learn how to survive in the world because everything is given to them.

What important principle of classical conditioning was displayed by Littler Albert?
Stimulus generalization
Name this reinforcement schedule!

A man watches and sees shooting starts on a dark night.

Fixed or Variable?
Ratio or interval?
Variable interval