Thought/Language or Intelligence
Lifespan Development
Motivation & Emotion
A researcher famous for creating the forgetting curve.
Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus?
This researcher developed the term "IQ".
Who is William Stern?
This researcher explored cognitive stages of development among children.
Who is Jean Piaget?
According to this psychologist, humans have a "hierarchy of needs".
Who is Abraham Maslow?
This personality theorist's work reflected the Psychodynamic schools of thought.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
Steve just joined a fraternity. He was introduced to 55 new “brothers.” If asked to recall all of their names, which ones would he be most likely to struggle with? The names at the beginning, middle, or end of the list?
What is the middle?
The most basic unit of spoken language
What are phonemes?
Daniel is interested in studying how children’s behavior changes when they grow up in high-risk environments. He enlists 500 children and their parents to take part in his research, and observes these children once a year for 20 years. Despite the fact that this research is very time consuming and expensive, it gives very good information about how the children age over time. This type of research is an example of a __________ study.
What is a longitudinal study?
If you are not hungry, but eat because everyone else in the group is eating.
What is Social Facilitation?
This personality approach focuses on individual people and their unique personalities.
What is an idiographic approach?
Alex is in a car accident and experiences amnesia. He cannot remember anything that happened after the accident. He is experiencing what type of amnesia?
What is anterograde amnesia?
________ are people who seek to make decisions that are "good enough". ________ are people who might spend a long time choosing from options until they find exactly what they are looking for.
What are satisficers and maximizers?
Young Aaron is being observed as he plays in a room with his mother. Aaron frequently plays with the toys in the room, but occasionally looks back at his mother to make sure she is there. After a quick smile is exchanged between mother and child, Aaron goes back to playing with the toys. When Aaron’s mother leaves the room, he becomes moderately upset, but is easily soothed when she returns. Aaron's mother had this type of attachment style.
What is secure?
Miley has noticed that her 80 year old father has become much more religious recently. She speculates that her father has become more aware of his mortality as he has aged, and that his newfound spirituality is his way of reducing his fear of death. Miley’s explanation of her father’s behavior is an example of this theory.
What is Terror Management Theory?
One of these cultural views emphasizes group processes and harmony, while the other cultural view emphasizes individual accomplishment and independence.
What is Collectivism and Individualism?
You are telling your friend about a trip you took to Sea World when you were a child. During the middle of the show, the trainer slipped, fell into the water, and was nearly killed. You can remember the scene as if it happened yesterday. This is an example of which type of memory?
What is a flashbulb memory?
If a person’s score on a test is pretty much the same every time he or she takes it, it is ___________
What is reliable?
Someone who experiments with different identities but cannot commit to one has this identity status.
What is Identity Moratorium?
Which scientists are famous for studying human sexuality?
Who is Alfred Kinsey (or Masters & Johnson)?
Explain the difference between state and trait personality perspectives.
State - changes across time Trait - stable across time
Elizabeth Loftus conducted research on this type of effect by using different words in a report (for example, bumped vs. contacted), to explore how false memories are constructed.
What is the misinformation effect?
Analytical, creative, and practical are three components of this intelligence theory.
What is the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?
A parent who loves their children but does not set or enforce rules has this parenting style.
What is indulgent-permissive?
Mastery motives involve trying to gain public recognition or rewards, while performance motives involve trying to overcome a challenge. Is this statement true or false?
What is false?
Explain the difference between the Cannon-Bard, James-Lange, and Two-Factor Theories of Emotion.
Cannon-Bard: emotions and physiological response occur simultaneously James-Lange: physiological stimuli give rise to emotions Two-Factor: physiological response is given a cognitive label, which forms the basis for the emotional experience