Therapeutic Relationships
Emerging Populations
Family and Community
Overview of Growth and Development
Infant, Toddler, Preschool,
This is not the same as sympathy; when they try to understand the other person's perspective
What is empathy?
A nursing model by Madeleine Leininger structured around the idea that cultural competency is a major element in eliminating health disparities
What is Transcultural Nursing?
Family's ability to cope with expected and unexpected stressors
What is family resiliency?
These propose ways to account for how and why people grow as they do and provide a framework for examining, describing, and appreciating human development
What are developmental theories?
CDC and AAP recommended schedule of ____ is at birth; 1, 2,4, 6 months; 12 months.
What are immunizations?
Sharing observations, sharing hope, sharing humor, sharing feelings, using touch, and using silence are examples of this.
What are therapeutic communication techniques?
Families with children are the fastest growing segment of the _______ population
What is homeless?
This is when parents bring unrelated children from prior parenting relationships into new, joint living situation
What is blended family?
This is the best reflection of growth
What are serial measurements over time on a growth chart?
DAILY DOUBLE: Best position for car seat for an infant. Sleeping on the back is an example of how to prevent this.
What is back and rear facing? What is SIDS?
This is an example of when a health care provider has negative feelings towards a patient due to the patient reminding them of someone from their past.
What is counter transference?
This is a positive aspect of folk medicine, especially for the uninsured
What is accessibility/ability to pay?
DAILY DOUBLE: When an adult child is living with older parents and their own young children. Taking care of older parents can put them at risk for what NANDA diagnosis
What is sandwich generation? What is Caregiver role strain?
Based on 8 critical stages where each stage requires a resolution of conflict between two opposing forces.Based on need of each person to develop a sense of trust in self and others and a sense of self worth. Describes development of identity of self through successive stages that unfold throughout the lifespan.
What is Erikson's Theory?
This age group is one of the two periods of rapid growth during the lifespan
What is infancy?
This type of communication is both verbal and nonverbal (and metacommunication)
What is sign language
When someone leaves their country for a negative reason
What is refugee?
This is a form of assessment where you gather data based on what can be seen from your car window
What is windshield survey?
The periods (and ages) of Piaget
What is Period I- Sensorimotor (birth to 2 yrs), Period II-Preoperational (2-7 yrs), Period III- Concrete Operations (7-11 yrs), Period IV-Formal Operations (11-15yrs/adulthood)?
Increased mobility for this age group provides excitement and challenges (due to risk for injury).
What is toddler?
These are the four phases of a therapeutic relationship
What is preinteraction phase, orientation phase, working phase, and termination phase
These voluntary immigrants stay in a country (that is not their own) for a specific period of time, then return to their homeland.
What is sojourners?
DAILY DOUBLE: The five threats/ concerns facing families
What is changing economic status, homelessness, domestic violence, presence of acute/chronic illness or trauma, end-of-life care ?
Development of moral thinking and judgement
What is Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development? (preconventional, conventional, post conventional)
DAILY DOUBLE: List 3 risks of poisoning that nurses should warn parents about
(possible answers include) What are medications, plants, cosmetics, lead based paint, cigarette butts, cleaning products, alcohol?