Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/12
It not only reflects but also contributes to children social and cognitive skills
Make-believe play
the psychological conflict in preschool according to Erikson
What is initiative vs. guilt
What is the most common disease/condition in the US for children in middle childhood
What is asthma
According to Erikson's theory, the negative outcome for children in middle is...
What is inferiority

On average girls reach puberty _______ guys comparatively.

What is 2 years before

Two year old Aidan says, "We saw two deers." This demonstrates
Jack and Jill play together exchanging cars and miniature figurines to simulate a town's homecoming parade.
What is cooperative play
______ are the leading cause of injury followed by _____ in middle childhood.
What is car accident; bike accidents
Children who struggle academically, having low self-esteem and motivation may make _________ attributions, crediting their success to ______.
What is learn-helplessness; luck.

When compared with other cultures, American youths have _______ sexual values.

relatively restrictive.

children in a Piaget Classroom are encouraged to spontaneously interact with the environment.
What is discovery learning
Parents that rarely listen to the child's point of view, but demand high compliance.
What is Authoritarian parenting
Children in middle childhood can think through a series of steps and then mentally return to a starting point demonstrates _________. Also, they can seriate mentally, A>C, this is _________.
What is reversibility; transitive inference.
Simba has recently lost his father Mufasa in a terrible stampede in the gorge. In coping, he ignores his problems by running away and adopting a new life-style of Hakuna-Matata. This is an example of ________.
What is emotion-centered coping.

Kim Kardashian, age 14, makes predictions about variables associated with her lip gloss line that might affect her overall sales. Then she deduces logical, testable inferences from that hypothesis.

What is hypothetic-deductive reasoning.


Dr. Swank shows a group of 4 yrs olds a set of 10 items on a tray. She mixes them up some unfamiliar items, and ask children to point out the ones in the original set. She is testing.

What is recognition memory?

Jami Lash spreads a rumor about Shaquille O'Neal after Shaquille is cast as the lead in the school play, the role Jami wanted for her entire life. Jami is displaying....
What is reactive aggression.
Dr. Meredith Grey believes that many intelligence tests sample knowledge and skills that not all groups of children have had equal opportunity to learn. Dr. Grey's belief reflects the controversial question that ethnic differences in IQ have to do with
What is test bias.

On the measure of peer acceptance, Alexander Hamiliton was seldom mentioned either positively or negatively. Alexander Hamilton would be considered a _____ child.

What is neglected.


Tim Tebow intends to play professional sports league. He has tried playing the NFL, and is not playing in baseball in the minor leagues. He has also held a job for ESPN as a sport caster. He admits that while he loves both sports and newscasting for ESPN, he is still exploring what career suits him best. Tim Tebow is in what identity status?



A researcher shows 3-year-old Emilia two small boxes—a familiar crayon box and a plain, unmarked box. When the researcher asks Emilia to pick the box with the crayons in it, Emilia picks the familiar box. The researcher then shows Emilia that the familiar box is empty and the unmarked box contains crayons. Finally, the researcher introduces Emilia to a puppet named Betty and asks, “Where do you think Betty will look for the crayons?” The researcher is testing Emilia’s grasp of __________.

What is false beliefs.


Preschoolers distinguish ___________, which protect people's rights and welfare, from __________, which are customs determined by consensus.

What is moral imperatives; social convention.


Carleton, an 8-year-old African-American boy, is told by a researcher that certain verbal tasks are “not a test.” He is told that other verbal tasks are “a test of how good children are at school problems.” If Carleton is aware of ethnic stereotypes, then he will perform...

He will perform worse on the "test situation."


With a measure of peer acceptance, Nickelback received a large number negative votes. Nickelback often is often overwhelmed by social anxiety as he sing his famous song "Photograph." He is passive and does not take action to get what he wants. He would be considered a ______ child.

What is rejected-withdrawn.


Both identity __________ and __________ are psychologically healthy routes to mature self-definition.

moratorium and achievement
