ID Terms
The American Revolution
A New Nation
The Early Republic
The Market Revolution

Who: British & Colonists

What: Tax on printed goods

When: 1765

Where: American Colonies

Why: Imposed direct tax & led to mass opposition and resistance. 

Stamp Act


This act was to combat the widespread smuggling of molasses in New England.

Sugar Act


What is the most important outcome of Marbury v. Madison?

Judicial Review


Gabriel's Revolution was inspired by what?

Haitian Revolution


This revolution consisted of the smaller Demographic, Industrial, and Transportation Revolutions.

The Market Revolution


Who: British & Colonists

What: Shooting of 5 colonists during protest

When: March 5, 1770

Where: Boston, Mass.

Why: Villainized the British & led to the thought of armed rebellion by uniting the colonists.

Boston Massacre


What were the three forms of resistance?

Legislative, Economic, & Popular


What were the three clauses in the Constitution in reference to slavery?

(1) Three-Fifths Clause, (2) Fugitive Slave Clause, & (3) Gag on the discussion of the Transatlantic Slave Trade


This term coined in Thomas Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia claims that Black people were from a difference descent from Europeans.



What was the contributing factor that led to the Demographic Revolution?

Immigration (German, Irish, & Chinese)


Who: James Madison

What: Proposed form of government at the Constitutional Convention. It called for a Powerful government, two houses of Congress, and favored larger states. 

When: 1787

Where: Philadelphia, PA

Why: Allowed for some aspects to be adopted into the Great Compromise.

Virginia Plan

This was the battle in which the famous "shot heard around the world" occured.

Lexington & Concord

This population was heavily affected by the Whiskey Tax

Grain Farmers


This was the most important achievement of Thomas Jefferson's presidency. 

The Louisiana Purchase


What is considered the most important aspect of the Transportation Revolution?

It connected the country east to west.


Who: Women

What: The idea of the role of women boosting Republican values.

When: 18th century

Where: United States

Why: Led to the idea that women should raise and educate their children to uphold Republican values. 

Republican Motherhood


This battle solidified an alliance with France & is considered the turning point of the American Revolution. 

Battle of Saratoga


Name one of the four questions that the Constitutional Convention looked to address?

(1)Who was sovereign, the federal government or the states? (2) How do we set up the branches of government? (3) How do we make the government subject to the people but not the slave of the people? (4) What do we do about the economic problems?


This is the term for Democratic Republicans "too young to remember the horrors of the American Revolution."

War Hawks


This idea was the distinction between the genders in that Men were the breadwinners & women were the educators and nurturers of the family. 

Idea of Separate Sphere 


Who: Thomas Jefferson

What: Land aquisition

When: 1803

Where: Western United States

Why: Increased the size of the country

Louisiana Purchase


At was here that George Washington was voted as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.

2nd Continental Congress


Name one of the three points in Alexander Hamilton's economic reports.

(1)Federal govt. should fund the Revolutionary War debt. (2) The need for a national bank. (3) Archive this using the "Necessary & Proper clause to do all things for the function of the govt. 


Name one of the two issues that led to the War of 1812.

(1) Desire to maintain a neutral trading nation during the Anglo-French Wars & (2) Roots in colonial & Revolutionary era. 


What are the four components of the Transportations Revolutioin?

Steamboats, Canals, Roads, & Railroads (S.C.R.R.)
