but I did my work
look ah
pot luck
North America is surrounded by the _____________ ocean in the west and the ___________ ocean in the East
What is Pacific & Atlantic
The ______________ in the western United States are the largest mountain range in North America.
What is the Rocky mountains
The first Humans who came to North America crossed _________ from Asia
What is the Bering strait land bridge
_______________refers to an economic system of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government or collectively by people rather than by individual people and companies.
What is Socialism
Factories built on the border in Mexico are referred to as _____________
What is Maquiladoras
Much of North America’s climate is habitable. Habitable can be refered to as
What is good for living
The great lakes are five fresh water lakes that are located in _______________ A. Mexico & the U.S. B. Alaska & Canada C. the U.S & Canada D. North America & Brazil
What is C. the U.S and Canada
. A type of government where all people vote directly on all issues with no representatives is referred to as
What is a direct democracy
The total value of all goods & services produced for the market place during a given period (year), within a nations border is referred to as
What is GDP
Free trade means that countries may freely trade goods with each other without having to pay a __________on those goods
What is tariff or taxes
Most Canadians in the province of Quebec speak
What is french
The mountain range in the Eastern U.S is called
What is the Appalachian mountain Range
A type of government where people elect leaders and representatives to make decisions for them is referred to as
What is a representative democracy
The higher a countries GDP, ______________ A. the poorer the country is B. The less purchasing power C. the wealthier the country is D. the higher the infant mortality rate
What is C. the wealthier the country is
What is one reason American business owners would like NAFTA. A. They would not have to pay their workers as high a wage in Mexico as they do in the U.S. B. Building factories creates pollution C. It would help the economy of Mexico D. They would make less money
What is A. They would not have to pay their workers as high a wage in Mexico as they do in the U.S
Non-renewable resources are defined as
What is any natural resource from the Earth that exists in a limited supply and can not be replaced at the same rate it is consumed.
an extended area of flat grassland in the middle of North America that were primarily used for grazing and farmland
What is the great plains
. In a parliamentary democracy the parliament chooses the leader of the government which they refer to as
What is the prime minister
All of the following are communist or socialist countries except _______ A. Cuba B. China C. Vietnam D. Russia
What is D. Russia
Why would an American factory worker not like NAFTA or Maquiladoras? A. Business can move there factories to Mexico and ship there goods without paying U.S tariffs B. Many American factory workers would lose there jobs because factories would move to Mexico
What is B. Many American factory workers would lose there jobs because factories would move to Mexico
The Grand Canyon is a deep canyon in North America that was created by
What is water erosion
The lowest point in North America and one of the hottest is_____________
What is Death Valley
An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state is referred to as..
What is capitalism
NAFTA or the North American free trade agreement was signed by what three countries?
What is U.S, Canada, & Mexico
The goal of Socialism is the attain what type of society?
What is a classless or equal society