name one pro from the agricultural revolution
more food for less labor and less cost
Herbert spencer
what did the steam locomotive provide
faster travel and shipped goods
one thing about child labor back then
the min age was 9
no breaks
name a capitalism fact
private citizens own companies instead of the government
who invited the telegraph
Samuel morse
what was the result of the industry age
industrialization boomed the economy
marxism what did they blame capitalism for
the conditions and proposed a new social system
who panted the telephone
alexander graham
positives from the Industrial Revolution concerning jobs
there was a incress in jobs
what is another name for social Darwinism
survival of the fittest
the sewing machine was panted by who
panted by elias howe
what could railroads help with
could transport goods quickly
which ism did the government, not control trade
Photography allowed what
to be able to capture the moment