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1. If you have a “frightening experience” immediately after hearing a strange sound, your fear may be aroused when you hear that sound again. This best illustrates generalization. spontaneous recovery. classical conditioning. operant behavior.
What is classical conditioning
1. If children get attention from their parents for doing cartwheels, they will repeat the trick in anticipation of more attention. This best illustrates spontaneous recovery. respondent behavior. operant conditioning. successive approximations.
What is operant conditioning
1. If you get violently ill a couple of hours after eating contaminated food, you will probably develop an aversion to the taste of that food but not to the sight of the restaurant where you ate or to the sound of music you heard there. This best illustrates that associative learning is constrained by intrinsic motivation. biological predispositions. modeling. cognitive maps.
What is biological predispositions
1. Chromosomes are composed of epigenetic molecules. genomes. neurotransmitters. deoxyribonucleic acid.
What is deoxyribonucleic acid.
1. Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of continuity and stages. nature and nurture. behavior and mental processes. stability and change.
What is continuity and stages.
Researchers condition a flatworm to contract when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with electric shock. The electric shock is a(n) primary conditioner. conditioned stimulus. secondary conditioner. unconditioned stimulus.
What is unconditioned stimulus
Matt regularly buckles his seat belt simply because it turns off the car's irritating warning buzzer. This best illustrates the value of respondent behavior. negative reinforcement. secondary reinforcement. spontaneous recovery.
What is negative reinforcement
1. Children who are promised a payoff for playing with an interesting toy have later been observed to play with the toy less than those who are not promised the reward. This provides evidence for the role of ________ in operant behavior. mirror neurons latent learning cognitive processes biological predispositions
What is cognitive processes
1. Identical twins who have separate placentas are somewhat less similar than identical twins who share a placenta. This best illustrates the influence of ________ on development. prenatal environments genetic predispositions temperament serotonin
What is prenatal environments
1. Taking certain drugs during pregnancy is likely to expose unborn children to habituation. zygotes. teratogens. reflex responses.
What is teratogens
You repeatedly hear a tone just before having a puff of air directed to your eye. Blinking to the tone presented without an air puff is a UR. US. CR. CS.
What is CR
1. A word of praise is to a soothing back rub as ________ is to ________. delayed reinforcer; immediate reinforcer operant conditioning; classical conditioning partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement conditioned reinforcer; primary reinforcer
What is conditioned reinforce; primary reinforcer
1. Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior? John B. Watson Albert Bandura Ivan Pavlov B. F. Skinner
What is Albert Bandura
1. Two individuals are most likely to differ in personality if they are fraternal twins who were raised together. identical twins who were raised apart. fraternal twins who were raised apart. identical twins who were raised together.
What is fraternal twins who were raised apart.
1. Newborn infants typically prefer their mother's voice over their father's voice because their reflexes are naturally triggered by higher-pitched sounds. they rapidly habituate to lower-pitched male voices. they become familiar with their mother's voice before they are born. they form an emotional attachment to their mother during breast feeding.
What is hey become familiar with their mother's voice before they are born.
1. Months after she was beaten up by a robber, Courtney's heart pounds with fear merely at the sight of the place in which she was attacked. The location of her attack is most likely a(n) ________ for Courtney's anxiety. conditioned stimulus operant stimulus unconditioned stimulus neutral stimulus
What is conditioned stimulus
1. A pigeon receives food for pecking a key, but only rarely and on unpredictable occasions. This best illustrates generalization. discrimination. partial reinforcement. respondent behavior.
What is partial reinforcement
1. When Evie saw that her classmates got the teacher's attention after asking questions in class, Evie started asking questions in class. This best illustrates the impact of a fixed-interval reinforcement schedule. cognitive maps. classical conditioning. vicarious reinforcement.
What is vicarious reinforcement
1. Adopted children are especially likely to have similar ________ if raised in the same home. temperaments genomes personality traits attitudes
What is attitudes
1. The best evidence that newborns possess visual memory capabilities comes from research on epigenetic effects. infant reflexes. prenatal development. habituation.
What is habituation
After being bitten by his neighbor's dog, Miguel experienced fear at the sight of that dog but not at the sight of other dogs. This best illustrates the process of extinction. discrimination. operant conditioning. spontaneous recovery.
What is discrimination
For professional baseball players, swinging at a pitched ball is reinforced with a home run on a ________ schedule.
What is variable-ratio
1. Like European Christians who risked their lives to rescue Jews from the Nazis, civil rights activists of the 1960s had parents who consistently used reinforcement in combination with punishment to shape their children's moral behavior. modeled a strong moral or humanitarian concern. consistently used psychological punishment rather than physical punishment in shaping their children's behavior. consistently explained to their children the harsh consequences of immoral behavior.
What is modeled a strong moral or humanitarian concern.
1. Identifying the interactive influence of specific DNA sequences and child-raising practices on the development of traits such as anxiety best illustrates the specialty area known as epigenetics. heritability studies. evolutionary psychology. molecular behavior genetics.
What is molecular behavior genetics.
1. By a week after birth, infants are able to distinguish between their mothers' ________ and that of another nursing mother. face smell temperament tender touch
What is smell