Immediate treatment for panic disorder
What is stay with the client, have client breathe into a paper bag, 6-12 natural breaths with short periods of diaphragmatic breathing
Only survivor of a plane crash feels guilty
What is survivor's guilt
A stressor triggers a neurological symptom causing an alteration in voluntary motor and or sensory functions
What is conversion disorder
What is depersonalization
Words you might say to someone experiencing a panic attack
What is reassuring them that it will only last a short amount of time (5-30 minutes normally)
Persistent, irrational fears of objects, activities or situations, resulting in a compelling desire to avoid the feared stimulus
What are phobias
What is severity of the stressor/traumatic event and availability of support systems,
A client travels and assumes a new identity, remembers their former identity and goes home, forgetting their new identity.
What is Fugue a type of Dissociative amnesia
Uses rapid eye movement by a trained therapist for stress and trauma related disorders
What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) -KNOW THE PHASES
Three symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder
What are Restlessness, chronic muscle tension, inability to focus, insomnia, Avoiding activities that may have negative outcomes, ect.
Three stages of stress adaptation syndrome
What is alarm stage, stage of resistance, and Stage of exhaustion
falsification of medical or psychological signs and symptoms in oneself or others done in the absence of person gain
What is factitious disorder
Having one or more distinct personalities
What is dissociative identity disorder
An example of agoraphobia
What is fear of crowded places, airplanes, bridges, elevators
Three characteristics of those with hoarding disorder
What is perfectionist, indecisiveness, anxiety, depression, distractibility, Difficulty planning/organizing
Clients who complain of real physical issues, but no physical ailment can be found
What are clients with somatic symptom disorder
What is Somatization
Inability to recall personal information regarding stressful events for a period of time
What is Dissociative Amnesia
Extreme fear/anxiety when separated from a person they are emotionally connected to
What is Separation anxiety
Reason why clients with OCD are compulsed to perform ritualistic behaviors
What is to reduce anxiety
Clients with preoccupation with having a serious disease based on misinterpretation of bodily signs despite reassured there are not issues by the pcp
What is Illness Anxiety Disorder
This questionnaire comprises 15 somatic symptoms scored between a 0 and 2. The higher the score, the increased functional impairment.
What is the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-15)
clapping, stomping, touching of objects
What are grounding techniques
The outside world and surroundings feel unreal, dream-like
What is Derealization