Social Psychology
Mental Illness
The famous test that looks at obedience.
What is Milgram's shock study?
The type of self-report personality test that attempts to measure multiple personality tests.
What is a multi-trait inventory?
The fantasy & instinct oriented component of the personality.
What is the id?
In this type of therapy, maladaptive behaviors can be unlearned by applying classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and modeling principles.
What are behavioral therapies?
A large, detailed, organized list of mental illnesses, as well as diagnostic criteria for each illness.
What is the DSM-IV?
A mental or emotional state that is aroused when related cognitions (ideas, beliefs, desires) are understood to be inconsistent or conflicting.
What is cognitive dissonance?
A psychological test where the person is given an ambiguous stimulus and are asked to explain that stimulus.
What is a projective test? (beware if you go to a therapist and they use this- outdated and not accurate)
The information that you cannot access, the memories that are buried so deeply that you cannot directly access them.
What is the unconscious?
The goal of this kind of therapy is to create an environment in which clients can engage in self-exploration and remove the barriers that block their natural tendencies toward personal growth.
What are humanstic psychotherapies?
Name one misconception of mental illness.
-Personal weakness is why people gain mental illnesses - as we learn more about mental illness, it becomes apparent that illnesses might be due to an organic/biological issue ●Mental illness is incurable – there is only a small minority of people who are never cured of their illness ●People with mental illness are violent – there is a small minority of people who are violent ●Mentally ill people have bizarre behavior
People tend to overestimate personal attributes and underestimate situational factors.
What is fundamental attribution error?
Freud believes personality is made up of these three parts..
What is the id, ego, and superego?
The part of the personality that acts as a judge, censor or internalized parent for one's thoughts and actions, according to Freud?
What is the superego?
When clients are randomly assigned to treatment or control conditions, and are then compared on outcome measures, as a way to study the effectiveness of therapy
What is a randomized clinical trial?
Major clinical disorders are listed on this axis of the DSM-IV.
What is Axis 1?
Individuals have a range for their attitudes, either really strong/positive or really weak/ negative; people’s attitudes can be shifted based on how wide their range is.
What is the latitude of acceptance?
Name two of the three personality dimensions that were looked at in Minnesota Twin Study.
What is negative emotionality, positive emotionality, and constraint?
What happens if one engages in excessive gratification or has a lack of stimulation at any particular stage in Freud's stage theory.
What is fixation?
The goal of this type of therapy is to point out errors of thinking and logic and to help clients identify and reprogram their automatic thought patterns
What is cognitive therapy?
In class, we discussed the negative effects on a person when you diagnose them with a psychological disorder when they do not have one. What was the biggest negative effect that we discussed?
What is social stigma of mental disorders?
During a test of cognitive dissonance, Festinger & Carlsmith had subjects participate in a boring task, then asked them to tell the next group of people coming in. The participants were then paid either $1 or $20. What were the results of the study for each of the groups (the $1 vs. 20$ groups)?
People paid $20 didn’t change any attitudes (as predicted by dissonance theory). $1 changed their attitude about the task (was less negative after than beforehand).
Discuss what you remember of the results from the MMPI personality inventory?
correct results = points. -Genetic factors play a very important role in personality -The kinds of factors that are typically appealed to of shared family experience and childrearing practices are not as important as people thought they were -Parents take a huge responsibility for the negative things that go on in their kid’s life, but a lot of these things are out of their control -Exactly how these factors balance out is not proven by this study alone -The extent to which these things are genetic, there’s nothing that can be done in terms of a therapeutic interaction - Major loser- Freud and psychodynamics
The name of Freud's stage theory (how development takes place over time)
What is psycho-sexual development?
Fatal flaw of case studies (when the therapist describes initial symptoms, diagnosis, therapeutic treatments, patient’s response to treatments and results in detail) as a form of research.
No statistical power- sample of ONE!
What was the Rosenhan experiment?
An experiment to test the accuracy of mental disorders. Rosenhan sent 12 pseudo-patients to different hospitals, telling people that they were hearing voices.