This type of therapy can help people with schizoid personality disorder change their thoughts and behaviors to improve their relationships by identifying negative thought patterns and developing social skills.
These type of schizophrenia symptoms refer to an absence or lack of normal mental function involving thinking, behavior, and perception.
Negative symptoms
This theory proposes that the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, like hallucinations and delusions, are primarily caused by an overactivity of this neurotransmission in specific brain regions.
dopamine hypothesis
This disorder prevents children from speaking in certain situations, such as at school or with unfamiliar people.
selective mutism
These type of programs educate all children about child abuse, teach them skills for avoiding or escaping from abusive situations, and encourage children to tell another adult if they are abused.
early prevention programs
This type of psychotherapy that uses creative activities to help children express themselves and work through challenges.
play therapy
This type of delusion includes false beliefs that a person is powerful, wealthy, famous, or has other extraordinary traits. People with delusions of grandeur may believe they have unique abilities, or are a divine figure or famous person.
A symptom of various mental and physical health conditions that involves a severely restricted or nonexistent expression of emotion.
flat affect
This diagnosis began as a response to the question of bipolar diagnoses in children. It includes severe outbursts of temper extremely out of proportion to triggering situations with irritable mood between the outbursts.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
This is a state of mental instability that leaves defendants unable to understand the legal charges and proceedings they are facing and unable to prepare an adequate defense with their attorney.
mental incompetence
This type of therapy can provide a social circumstance where interactions with others can be practiced and where support can be both given and received.
group therapy
These are false sensations of touch or movement on the skin or inside the body. They can feel like insects crawling on your skin or something is inside you trying to get out.
Tactile delusions
This type of medication is often prescribed to treat symptoms of personality disorders, not the disorder itself.
anti-depressants, SSRIs
With this personality disorder, individuals experience an intense focus on orderliness, perfectionism, and control, which results in loss of flexibility and efficiency.
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
The principle that therapists must break confidentiality in order to keep a person who may be the intended victim of a client from harm is known as this.
duty to protect
This type of therapy includes both individual therapy sessions featuring cognitive-behavioral interventions and group sessions focusing on social-skill building and support. Can include mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.
dialectical behavior therapy
Another name for the category of cluster C personality disorders. Include dependent and avoidant personality disorders.
This type of drug prescribed in low doses have been shown to be of some help to those suffering from schizotypal personality disorder by reducing thought problems.
Children with this diagnosis behave in ways that violate the rights of other people or ignores the norms or rules of society. Often aggressive and may be physically cruel to people and animals; many steal, threaten, or harm.
Conduct disorder
In the DSM-5, this refers to the method of diagnosing mental disorders by classifying them into distinct groups, meaning a person either meets the criteria for a specific disorder or they do not, essentially treating mental illness as either present or absent without clear gradients in between.
categorical approach
In this multi-component treatment for schizophrenia, clinicians may work with clients on problem-solving, memory enhancement, decision-making, family collaboration, and social skills, and medication management.
Coordinated specialty care
A behavioral pattern in Autism Spectrum Disorder characterized by a strong resistance to change, rigid thinking patterns, and a need for routines and rituals.
perseveration of sameness
The Food and Drug Administration states this must be included on all antidepressant medications, warning of the possibility that such drugs will increase suicidal thoughts or actions in children and adolescents.
"black box" warning
This diagnosis is marked by intense, dramatic, and unstable emotions and a distorted self-image. Includes an excessive desire for approval and often behaving inappropriately to get attention.
Histrionic personality disorder
This rule stated that having a mental disorder at the time of a crime does not by itself mean that the person was insane; the defendant also had to be unable to know right from wrong.
M'Naghten rule