Education and Religion
Politics and Social Movements

True or false: Because of the patriarchal aspects of most religions, women tend to be less religious than men

False, women tend to be more religious than men


True or false: Structural-functionalists do not believe that the family is a very important aspect of society

False, they consider it to be the backbone of society


True or false: Hysteria used to be believed to be caused by a wandering uterus



True or false: in the United States, although they cannot vote while in prison, once they’ve completed serving their prison sentences, felons are allowed to vote.

False, in several states people with certain felonies are never allowed to vote again


True or false: In the last election, over 85% of people eligible to vote did so.

False, the number is closer to 65%


Belief in more than one god is called __________, which characterizes the religion of Hinduism

A. Animism

B. Atheism

C. Pluralism

D. Polytheism

D. Polytheism


Deacon is married to Jenna. When Jenna asks him to do a chore around the house, he often complains a lot and does it poorly: the last time she asked him to do the dishes, she had to redo them because they were still greasy! Eventually, Jenna stops asking him to do chores and just does them herself. Deacon’s actions are an example of what?

A. Weaponized incompetence

B. Gendered social learning

C. Traditional gender roles

D. Conflict tactics

A. Weaponized incompetence


_______________ diseases have sudden onsets while ____________ diseases often develop over a longer period of time.

A. Chronic … acute

B. Acute … chronic

C. Physical … mental

D. Mental … physical

B. Acute … chronic


____________ are interests that are followed with great enthusiasm for a short period of time.

A. Fads

B. Ecclesia

C. Colloquia 

D. Norms

A. Fads


Which of the following is an example of an ecclesia?

A. Baptists in the US South

B. The Church of Latter-Day Saints

C. Puritans right after they broke off from the Anglican Church

D. The Islamic state in Iran

D. The Islamic state in Iran


_____________ can be defined as when an individual lacks a basic understanding of mathematical skills to function in society.

A. Innumeracy

B. Functional illiteracy 

C. Algebraic deficiency

D. Numericallity

A. Innumeracy


Which of the following is one of the reasonable explanations for the downward trend in the divorce rate, starting in about 1980, according to the textbook?

A. Because of improved economic circumstances, marriages are under less strain

B. Americans are getting married later, when they are more mature

C. Americans are growing more conservative about the acceptability of divorce

D. Americans are staying married to avoid negatively impacting their children

B. Americans are getting married later, when they are more mature


Dove knows that both of her parents have heart disease, and she does not want to develop the same condition. Her doctor recommends that she exercise more often, eats foods with less cholesterol, and starts meditating. This type of medical care is known as ____________.

A. Curative medicine

B. Palliative medicine

C. Demographic medicine

D. Preventative medicine

D. Preventative medicine


__________ social movements advocate the radical reorganization of society.

A. Alternative

B. Redemptive

C. Reformative

D. Revolutionary

D. Revolutionary


Alexander’s parents pay for him to take private violin lessons and send him to language lessons after school. In the summer, he attends science camp. His parents try to take him on one vacation to a foreign country every year. Alexander’s parents hope that these activities will build his skills and better position him to get into a competitive university. Alexander’s parents are investing in his …

A. Economic capital

B. Human capital

C. Social capital

D. Institutional capital

B. Human capital


In education, what is "tracking"? How might tracking reinforce the existing social structure?

Tracking refers to putting students on different educational paths. Because various social categories might can effect how students are tracked, and because different tracks lead to different careers, tracking reinforces the social structure.


What is a nuclear family and what are its origins as the "traditional family"?

The nuclear family involves two parents (classically a mom and a dad) and their children. It's origins as the traditionally family type stem from the 1950s after WW2.


What are primary and secondary stressors? Give an example of each

Primary stressors are initial stressors, while secondary stressors are stressors that stem from the primary stressor. If someone was fired and then had to move to a worse neighborhood, the firing would be the primary stressor while the moving would be the secondary stressor.


What is the theory of the power elite? 

The idea that a small group of individuals hold most of the power in government/business etc. -- and they advance their own interests rather than the interests of people more generally


In your own words, describe Rosenhan's “On Being Sane in Insane Places” study

Rosenhan sent eight people to psychiatric institutions who pretended to hear voices, and then afterwards acted normally. Everything the participants did was interpreted through the lens of them being mentally ill, and it was difficult to be discharged.


Describe the difference between the sacred and the profane. Give an example of each.

The sacred are objects imbued with a sense of holiness or wonder, while the profane are everyday objects. A sacred object might be a holy book (the Bible, the Torah, the Quran) while a profane object might be a laptop.


What is "The Second Shift"?

The idea that women take on extensive unpaid household labor even after coming home from their paid jobs.


What does it mean to say that illness is socially constructed?

The identification of a condition or activity as symptomatic of an illness varies by culture.


Explain the tragedy of the commons dilemma and give an example

The tragedy of the commons is that when some kind of resource is freely available to everyone and there are no checks/balances, people will use it all up and destroy it. An example is a grazing field -- it could work if everyone is careful, but if too many people allow their animals to graze too much, it's no longer available at all.


What is marriage and what are two types of marriage?

Marriage is a formally recognized bond between 2 spouses, establishing contractual rights and obligations between them -- two types are monogamy and polygamy
