What is the function of the fibularis longus during gait?
What is propulsion and heel rise?
What is the origin and insertion of the gluteus medius?
What is the ilium (gluteal surface below iliac crest) and the greater trochanter?
In young, active patients with a predominant complaint of groin pain with or without a history of trauma, the diagnosis of what should be suspected and investigated?
What is acetabular labrum?
What is more effective to increase muscle length?
1. Stretching
2. Strength training in lengthened position
What is 2?
What is true about the angle of inclination?
1. Coxa vara produces excessive shear force through the head and neck and increases the moment arm of the hip abductors
2. Coxa vara makes the glut med functionally weak because a decrease in the moment arm
3. Coxa valga produces excessive shear force through the head and neck and increases the moment arm of the hip abductors
4. Coxa vara makes the glut med functionally strong because an increase in the moment arm
What is 1?
What is the ACL injured under stress if the hamstrings and soleus are synergist?
What is the ACL takes 130-140 ms, which is a long time so the ACL will usually tear if things are happening fast, because the GTO will alert the CNS of force and deformation before the synergist kick in?
What is the origin and insertion of the rectus femoris?
What is AIIS and tibial tuberosity?
Which of the following is true about acetabular labrum tears?
1. Anterior labrum has relatively good blood supply.
2. Tissue in the anterior labrum is mechanically stronger.
3. Anterior labrum is subjected to higher forces.
What is 3?
What is the most aggravating phase of gait?
What is terminal stance?
When in gait is the hip joint most congruent and why?
What is midstance because the weight of HAT and contralateral LE and glut med force pulling down?
Name 5 muscles that attach to the linea aspera.
What is VMO, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, pectinus, gluteus, short head of biceps, and VL?
What is the origin and insertion of the long head of the biceps femoris?
What is the ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament, and head of the fibula?
Match the items below:
1. Cam impingement
2. Pincer impingement
1. Excessive bone growth on femoral head
2. Excessive bone growth on acetabular rim
1. More common in middle aged, active females
2. More common in young, active men
What is:
Cam impingement is excessive bone growth on femoral head and is common in young, active males
Pincer impingement is excessive bone growth on acetabular rim and is common in middle aged, active females
What could you suspect if a patient has anterior knee pain?
What is quadriceps tear, ACL tear, PFPS, patellar subluxation, femoral articular cartilage lesion, OA?
What is the difference between the medial and lateral meniscus?
What is
Medial: crescent shaped, less mobile, more likely to be torn
Lateral: 4/5 of circle
What part of the knee joint does the tibial nerve innervate?
What is the posterior joint, ACL, and PCL?
What is the origin and insertion of the soleus?
What is the head and neck of the fibula and the Achilles tendon?
The single leg hop test reflects integrated effects of?
What is neuromuscular control, strength, and confidence in limb?
On average how long does it take for articular cartilage repair?
What is 2 months - 2 years?
What is the subtalar joint motion in weight-bearing supination?
What is calcaneal inversion, talar abduction, talar dorsiflexion, and tibiofibular lateral rotation?
What does the deep peroneal nerve innervate?
What is the anterior compartment, tib ant, EHL, EDL, peroneus, and short extensors of the foot?
What is the origin and insertion of the posterior tibialis?
What is interosseous membrane, adjacent borders of the tibia and fibula and the navicular tuberosity, cuneiforms, and 2-4th metatarsals?
If a patient was complaining of catching, swelling, pain with forced hyperextension and flexion, and joint line tenderness what pathoanatomical injury would you suspect?
What is a meniscal tear?
What does perturbation training do for ACL training?
What is reduced quads-hams and quads-gastroc co-contractions and normalized knee kinematics in individuals with ACL who were classified as potential copers?