Outstanding Operations (and Controls)
Ch. 14&15
Excelling at Entrepreneurship
Ch. 15A
Mastering Motivation
Ch. 11
Labeling Leaders
Ch. 12
Competent Communication
Ch. 13
The controlling function helps managers protect these for their organization.
What are assets?
This term refers to starting a business with very little money and growing through sales.
What is bootstrapping?
This theory proposed by McGregor assumes that employees are driven by fear, lack ambition, avoid responsibility, and need to be coerced or forced to work hard.
What is Theory X?
This type of leader creates a credible, attractive vision of the future that makes followers want to work toward its realization.
What is a visionary leader?
Groups that meet through blogs or social networks who share a concern, a problem, or a passion about a topic are called this.
What are communities of practice?
This type of management oversees the transformation process that converts resources such as labor and raw materials into finished goods and services.
What is Operations?
This term refers to the first commercially viable version of a software product used to try out a proposed solution on customers.
What is a minimum viable product?
This theory proposed by McGregor assumes a positive outlook - that employees want to control their own destinies.
What is Theory Y?
The key to this type of leadership is to inspire followers to follow the leader's path.
What is transformational leadership?
An organization with this type of culture values taking care of customers - finding out what their needs are, meeting those needs, and following up to make sure that their needs were met satisfactorily.
What is a service culture?
This is the final step in the management process.
What is controlling?
This term refers to the day when an incubator's companies pitch to potential venture-capital investors.
What is demo day?
This practice involves sharing organizational finances with employees.
What is open-book management?
This type of leader offers rewards of some type in exchange for the output of workers
What is a transactional leader?
Organizations with this type of culture compare knowledge that has been accumulated to other resources such as money, raw materials, and equipment.
What is a learning culture?
This company was the target of a high-skill, high-focus hacking attack by North Korea that embarrassing emails about Hollywood stars
What is Sony?
The Lean Start-up methodology replaces a traditional business plan with this one-page framework sketching out how the founders propose to create value for themselves and their customers.
What is the Business Model Canvas?
This theory describes a comparative system in which individuals gauge their own situation against other individuals, systems, or their own values.
What is equity theory?
According to Covey and Conant in HBR, this traditional social virtue has a measurable effect on a company’s financial performance by affecting the speed and cost of doing business.
Q: What is Trust?
Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick, coined this term referring to the phenomena of experts becoming bad communicators because they can no longer imagine the position of their audience, not knowing what the expert knows.
What is the curse of knowledge?
This book by Israeli management guru Eli Goldratt is an oddly gripping thriller about how to manage a factory.
What is The Goal?
This term refers to a program that helps young startups refine their product and pitch themselves to investors, in exchange for a cut of equity.
What is an Accelerator?
According to Dan Pink, author of Drive, carrots and sticks are not effective for knowledge workers because they can extinguish this type of motivation.
What is intrinsic motivation?
Fiedler concluded that leaders were either task oriented or relationship oriented based on these ratings.
What are the Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) ratings?
According to Somerville and Hassol, scientists can communicate more effectively with the public by inverting the pyramid of their usual presentations to colleagues by starting with this, instead of background.
What is the bottom line?