Implied Main Ideas
Vocabulary Ch. 4
Vocabulary Ch. 5
coughing runny nose body aches fever The general idea is: a. signs of exhaustion b. effects of stress c. symptoms of flu
What is C. symptoms of flu
According to a recent study, more than half (52 percent) of teens have at least one of three risk factors for substance abuse: stress, frequent boredom, or too much spending money. Having two or more greatly increases the risk. The study is believed to be the first to link these specific risk factors to teen substance abuse, defined as using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. a. All teenagers have a natural desire to be substance abusers. b. Smoking cigarettes is not considered substance abuse. c. Unstressed, active teens are less likely to be substance abusers.
What is C. Unstressed, active teens are less likely to be substance abusers.
Cautious; on guard
What is wary
A new invention; something newly introduced
What is innovation
An implied main idea is ______________ stated
One odd suggestion for curing hiccups is to cut some holes in a paper bag, put the bag over your head, and breathe deeply. Another is to put a teaspoon of sugar on your tongue; by the time the sugar has disappeared, some claim, so have the hiccups. Some people feel that the way to get rid of hiccups is to cover a glass of water with a clean handkerchief and then drink the water through the hankie. If none of these methods works, you might try yet another odd cure for hiccups: stand on your head, close your eyes tightly, take a deep breath, and recite “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” a. There are some odd cures for hiccups. b. One “cure” for hiccups always works. c. Melting sugar on your tongue is one supposed cure for hiccups.
What is A. there are some off cures for hiccups.
Mr. Smith returns three books to his local library on time. They are “Pat the Bunny,” “Do Your Own Plumbing Repairs,” and “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.” a. Mr. Smith borrows books for himself and others—perhaps in his family. b. Mr. Smith’s local library does not contain a good selection of books to read. c. Mr. Smith is unlikely to borrow any more books from his local library.
What is A. Mr. Smith borrows books for himself and others--perhaps in his family.
very angry
What is irate
Not thick or crowded
What is sparse
When we make inferences we are ________________ between the lines.
A Washington, D.C., student was shot to death two weeks before Christmas. Police believe he was shot by teenagers who were stealing his radio. An eighth grader in Pasadena, Texas, held an assistant principal hostage with a pistol. The boy was upset over his parents’ recent separation. Two brothers who obtained guns through their gang terrorized members of their own family. And a survey of a Baltimore high school shows that well over half of the students polled knew someone who had carried a handgun within the last six months. a. According to one survey, many high-school students have carried a handgun recently. b. Teens with guns are a major problem. c. Teens may use guns against educators.
What is B. Teens with guns are a major problem.
One study of ninth-graders showed that 25 percent of the girls were currently on diets to lose weight, while 75 percent had been on a diet at some time. Many skipped breakfasts and frequently ate salads as their main meal. Of the boys surveyed, 80 percent said they had never considered trying to lose weight. a. Ninth-grade girls care more about being thin than ninth-grade boys do. b. Losing weight is more difficult for boys than for girls. c. More ninth-grade boys should go on a diet to lose weight.
What is A. Ninth-grade girls care more about being thin than ninth-grade boys do.
following in time or order; next, later
What is subsequent
Expressed clearly in few words; to the point, concise
What is succinct
What vocabulary word means: to be based on personal opinions and feelings
What is Subjective
According to the National Soft Drink Association, caffeine is added to most carbonated beverages to improve the taste. However, recent tests reveal that only 8 percent of the people who regularly drink caffeinated soft drinks can taste the difference between regular and caffeine-free beverages. Despite this fact, caffeinated soft drinks are far more popular than caffeine-free varieties. a. Taste is not the main reason people choose caffeinated soft drinks. b. Soft drink companies want to stop making caffeine-free beverages. c. Caffeine takes several hours to have an effect on the body.
What is A. Taste is not the main reason people choose caffeinated soft drinks.
A Japanese lawyer is quoted as saying, “If an American is hit on the head by a baseball at the ballpark, he sues. If a Japanese person is hit on the head with a baseball, he says, ‘It’s my honor. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been standing there.’” a. People in Japan and the United States have very different views of personal responsibility. b. There are fewer ballparks per person in Japan than in America. c. Japanese ballplayers are more careful when they play than American ballplayers.
What is A. People in Japan and the United States have very different views of personal responsibility.
enthusiastic devotion or intense enthusiasm
What is zeal
injustice; unfairness
What is inequity
What vocabulary word means: To have a tendency or preference to act in a certain way.
What is Inclination
At meals, many people eat portions that are too big. Restaurants contribute to this problem by serving dishes that are often double what doctors recommend. Other people trying to lose weight do not make lasting changes to their eating habits. Instead, they try fad diets which they later quit because they refuse to give up their favorite foods. To make matters worse, many people do not exercise. They consider it hard work which takes up too much time. Finally, many people’s lifestyles do not contribute to weight loss. Working at a desk all day and watching TV all night makes burning calories difficult. a. Restaurants are partially to blame for people’s inability to lose weight. b. There are a number of reasons why people don’t lose weight. c. Many people are not willing to change their eating habits in order to lose weight.
What is B. There are a number of reasons why people don't lose weight.
The dodo was a fifty-pound bird, somewhat larger than a turkey, with a large beak. Its short, stubby wings were not capable of flight. In the 1500s, sailors found the dodo living on islands in the Indian Ocean. The sailors discovered they could walk right up to the dodo and capture it, so they killed many for food. Later ships brought dogs and rats to the islands, which ate the dodo’s eggs. By 1681, the last dodo was dead. a. Sailors probably did not enjoy the taste of dodos. b. Before humans arrived, dodos had many natural enemies in the islands. c. Dodos might still be living if humans had never arrived on their islands.
What is C. Dodos might still be living if humans had never arrived on their islands.
to weaken the confidence or cheerfulness of
What is Demoralize
to intrude or trespass
What is Infringe
A common _____________ for 'corpse' is "remains."
What is Euphemism