Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Pot Luck 1
Pot Luck 2
Spontaneous recovery refers to the A. expression of learning that had occurred earlier but had not been expressed because of lack of incentives B. organism’s tendency to respond spontaneously to stimuli similar to the CS as though they were the CS C. return of a response after punishment has been terminated D. reappearance, after a rest pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
What is D. reappearance, after a rest pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
Positive reinforcers _______ the rate of operant responding and negative reinforcers _______ the rate of operant responding. A. decrease; increase B. increase; decrease C. increase; increase D. have no effect on; decrease
What is C. increase; increase
Lewis cannot remember the details of the torture he experienced as a prisoner of war. According to Freud, Lewis's failure to remember these painful memories is an example of A.flashbulb memory. B.state-dependent memory. C.retrieval failure. D.repression.
What is D.repression
11.. Which of the following is a form of associative learning? A.observational learning B. classical conditioning C.operant conditioning D.all of these types of learning
What is D.all of these types of learning
Learning is defined as A. any change in behavior B. any relatively permanent change in behavior produced by experience C. any change in behavior produced by practice D. none of the above
What is B. any relatively permanent change in behavior produced by experience
Every time you taste pizza you begin to salivate. Soon you begin to salivate to the sound of the pizza delivery man ringing your doorbell. The pizza is the _________________ and the sound of the ringing doorbell is the _______________. A. operant stimulus (S); operant response (R) B. operant response (R); operant stimulus (S) C. unconditioned stimulus (UCS); conditioned stimulus (CS) D. conditioned stimulus (CS); unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
What is C. unconditioned stimulus (UCS); conditioned stimulus (CS)
___________________________ refers to reinforcing successive approximations to the desired response A. fixedness C. mnemonic B. mediation D. shaping
What is D. shaping
The misinformation effect provides evidence that memory highly resistant to misleading information. B.may be reconstructed during recall according to how questions are framed. unchanging once established. constructed during encoding
What is B.may be reconstructed during recall according to how questions are framed.
Walking through the halls of his high school 10 years after graduation, Tom experienced a flood of old memories. Tom's experience showed the role of A.echoic memory. B.context effects. C.state-dependent memory. D.retroactive interference
What is B.context effects.
9. In promoting observational learning, the most effective models are those that we perceive as A.having any of these characteristics. B.similar to ourselves. C.successful. D.respected and admired.
What is A.having any of these characteristics.
Suppose you feed your dog canned dog food and he has learned to wag his tail whenever he hears the can opener. You have now switched to dry dog food and no longer feed him after you run the can opener. Your dog will soon show ___________________ to the sound of the can opener. A. second order conditioning B. discrimination C. stimulus generalization D. extinction
What is D. extinction
Last evening May-ling ate her first cheeseburger and french fries at an American fast-food restaurant. A few hours later she became ill. It can be expected that A.May-ling will not associate her illness with the food she ate. B.May-ling will develop an aversion to the sight of a cheeseburger and french fries. C.May-ling will develop an aversion to the taste of a cheeseburger and french fries. D.May-ling will associate her sickness with some thing she experienced immediately before she became ill.
What is C.May-ling will develop an aversion to the taste of a cheeseburger and french fries.
The spacing effect means that A.delaying retrieval until memory has consolidated improves recall. B.learning causes a reduction in the size of the synaptic gap between certain neurons. C.retention is improved when encoding and retrieval are separated by no more than 1 hour. D.distributed study yields better retention than cramming.
What is D.distributed study yields better retention than cramming
According to the book, our short-term memory span is approximately _______________ items A. 2 B. 5 C. 7 D. 15
What is C. 7
10. Regarding the impact of watching television violence on children, most researchers believe that A.there is only a weak correlation between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior. B.aggressive children simply prefer violent programs. C.watching violence on television leads to aggressive behavior. D.television simply reflects, rather than contributes to, violent social trends.
What is C.watching violence on television leads to aggressive behavior
When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus, ________ will soon take place. A.aversion B.generalization C.extinction D.discrimination
What is C.extinction
8.. You teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so. This is an example of ….. A. Conditioned Reinforcement B. Partial Reinforcement C. C. Operant Conditioning D. Classical Conditioning
What is C. Operant Conditioning
Which of the following measures of retention is the least sensitive in triggering retrieval? A.They are equally sensitive. B.Relearning C.Recognition D.Recall
What is D.Recall
In Sperling's memory experiment subjects were shown three rows of three letters followed immediately by a low, medium, or high pitched tone. The subjects were able to report A. all three rows with perfect accuracy each time a tone was presented B. only the top row of letters whatever tone was presented C. only the middle row of letters whatever tone was presented D. any one of the three rows of letters, depending on which tone was presented
What is D. any one of the three rows of letters, depending on which tone was presented
Information is maintained in short-term memory only briefly unless is it A. rehearsed B. encoded C. iconically maintained D. retrieved
What is A. rehearsed
Being able to tell one stimulus from another is called A. differentiation B. discrimination C. spontaneous recovery D. extinction
What is B. discrimination
The "piecework," or commission method of payment, is an example of which reinforcement schedule? A. fixed-interval B. variable-interval C. fixed-ratio D. variable ratio
What is C. fixed-ratio
Brenda has trouble remembering her new five-digit ZIP plus four-digit address code. What is the most likely explanation for the difficulty Brenda is having? A.Nine digits are at or above the upper limit of most people's iconic memory capacity. B.The extra four digits cannot be organized into easily remembered chunks. C.Brenda evidently has an impaired implicit memory. D.Nine digits are at or above the upper limit of most people's short-term memory capacity.
What is D.Nine digits are at or above the upper limit of most people's short-term memory capacity.
Every time I learn a new name of a student from this semester, I forget an old name of a student from last semester. This illustrates A. serial learning effect B. retroactive interference C. proactive interference D. none of the above
What is B. retroactive interference
Petersen and Petersen had subjects count backwards by 3’s to prevent A. iconic memory B. echoic memory C. rehearsal D. the serial learning effect
What is C. rehearsal