Squeezing the infants cheeks together helps with feedings in this type of disorder.
Cleft Lip
Avoid circumcision with this disorder
CSF accumulation in the brain and is treated with what procedure?
Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt
What electrolyte is specifically important to monitor in DKA?
This disorder is treated with serial casting
Club foot
Loss of sodium in excess water is what type of dehydration? What rate is oral rehydration solution given?
1. Hypotonic
2. 40-50 mL/Kg over 4 hours
During the oliguric phase ___ , ___ , ___ & ___ are restricted; During the diuretic phase ___ is replaced & ___ is restricted.
1. Potassium, phosphorus, sodium & fluid intake
2. Fluids are replaced & protein is restricted
What disease will have a positive Brudzinski and positive Kernig’s sign?
Hallmark sign is peeing lots of diluted urine
Diabetes Insipidus
Used to reduce and immobilize fractures
Skin or Skeletal traction
Painless rectal bleeding & currant jelly stool could indicate which disorder?
Meckel’s Diverticulum
What is the criteria for diagnosing Enuresis?
Must occur twice a week for 3 months in a child at least 5 years old
Brief loss of consciousness then followed by a rapid deterioration to coma?
Epidural Hematoma
This disorder is treated with Levothyroxine
This disorder is common in breech babies and is diagnosed with Barlows test
DDH (developmental hip dysplasia)
Hallmark sign is projectile vomiting
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Caused by E. Coli; may present with painful, frequent urination with malodorous urine.
Name the 2 priority interventions for an unconscious/coma patient
ABCs (patent airway) & ICP management (HOB 30 degrees with head midline, minimal stimulatio)
This disorder results in increased urine specific gravity, increased urine osmolality & increased sodium levels in the urine
This fracture/break is seen frequently in child abuse
Ultrasound will show a bullseye with this disorder
Dialysis that requires access via a fistula and is done in the hospital.
What diet will a patient with seizures be on?
Ketogenic diet (high fat, low carb)
Somatropin is given for Hypopituitarism; when should this drug be discontinued?
When the patients epiphyseal growth plates fuse together
What are the 6 P’s of ischemia/compartment syndrome?
Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Paresthesia, Paralysis, & Pressure