communicable disease
Gastro 1
Gastro 2
Gastro 3
Mixed again :)

Name some signs/symptoms of dehydration

Tachycardia, lethargy, dry mucous membranes, dry skin, sunken fontanels (infants), No tears when a child is crying, and decrease in uring output


1. Impetigo can look like what?

2. What is a symptom of the herpes simplex in a newborn?

1. Cigarette burns

2. small vesicles on the newborns skin


A child who has to go to PT for their partial thickness burns should be given what 30 mins before their therapy session?

Pain medication


What are neutropenic precautions used for?

To protect the patient.


What precautions do you use for Rubella?


What education should the nurse provide to the parents who has a child with Gastrointestinal reflux?

Keep infant in an upright position after feedings.


Name S/S of Transesophageal fistula:

coughing, choking, Abd. Distention, pain from acid refluxing across fistula.


A patient who is experiencing pain in their lower right abdomen may have what going on?



How is hepatitis A spread?

Through the fecal oral route


A child who is on bedrest due to nephrotic syndrome is at increased risk for what?

What can we do to prevent this risk?

skin break down.

turn the child every 2 hours.


What education should the nurse give to the parents regarding the care of their child with eczema?

Cool, wet compresses should be applied as needed to provide comfort from itching and dryness. The parent should wash clothing in a mild detergent and rinse it in clear water. Fabric softeners should be avoided. Parents should bathe their child in tepid water without soap and bubbles, which can cause further skin irritation.


What should you teach a family about prevention of burns when you have a toddler/infant in the house?

Turn pot handles inward on the stove top

check bath water before putting the child in.

Do not drink hot liquids around an infant, especially if holding an infant.

Do not microwave formula or breast milk;


S/S of hodgkin's lymphoma 

painless swollen lymph nodes


What education will you give a parent whose child has the varicella infection?

Do not give aspirin!


How should the nurse prepare a child for surgery?

Keep the child NPO 

Obtain a set of vitals

prepare the family and educate them on what to expect post surgery.


1. What types of food should be avoided in a child with celiac disease?

1. Wheat, oats, and barley


A child diagnosed with constipation should include what in their dietary habits?

Whole grains foods, leafy greens, increase fluid intake.


What does oral thush look like?

White patch on tongue with tenderness


What would you educate the family in regard to a child with nocturnal incontinence?

Do not punish the child for wetting the bed.

Medication can be given to decrease bed wetting.


The nurse should include what teaching to a client who has pruritus following treatment for scabies.  

The nurse should advise the client that to help relieve the itching of pruritus, the home environmental temperature should be slightly cool and the client should wear loose clothing.


What education should the nurse include regarding oral iron supplementation for a child with anemia?

Rinse the child’s mouth after taking oral iron.

Oral elemental iron should be taken with orange juice.

Encourage well-balanced meals.

Supplemental oral iron can cause the child to become constipated.


What are some interventions you can do with a patient who is on neutropenic precautions for the oncology patient?

place on reverse isolation

place patient in a private room or a positive pressure room

Have visitors wear masks


What education might you give a parent who does not want to immunize their child?

Explain the risks of the child developing the childhood diseases. 


How can the nurse get a young child to do coughing and deep breathing exercises after abdominal surgery?

By engaging the child in a form of play, the nurse can distract him from the discomfort of deep breathing.  the nurse can play a game with them and have them pretend to blow out birthday candles, blow on a toy windmill, blow bubbles, or blow cotton balls across a table.


In a child with diarrhea what should be the priority?

The first action the nurse should take is to assess fluid balance to determine severity of the dehydration.


True or False: It is okay to use hand sanitizer after caring for a patient who has been diagnosed with C-Diff?

False -Hand hygiene should be performed with soap and water when caring for a patient with C. diff. 


If a person has previously been immunized for mumps. What type of immunity do they possess?

Acquired immunity usually develops as a result of prior exposure to an antigen, often through immunization


What are some signs and symptoms of an infant with a UTI?



poor feeding



name some signs and symptoms of scabies


Intense itching that becomes worse at night, often interrupting a child’s healthy sleeping pattern

Rashes that intensify between the child’s axillae, between the fingers, on the wrists, buttocks, knees, elbows, and genitals


What are signs/symptoms of Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura?

What is a priority for the nurse who is teaching the family of a child diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura 

petichiae, bleeding gums, bright red blood in stool or urine

maintain a safe environment!!


1. What interventions should you implement with a child who has hemophilia?

2. Explain sickle cell trait

Administration of clotting factor

teach families how to store and administer factors via IV

Teach parents to apply pressure to any wound the child gets

Corticosteroids may be used to treat complications associated with bleeding,

2. A child with sickle cell trait is only a carrier and may never show any symptoms, except under special hypoxic conditions. A child with the trait doesn't have the disease and will never test positive for sickle cell anemia. 


Name some preventions of Lyme disease:

Wear long clothing when you go camping

Make sure you are looking over your child after playing in wooded areas.


S/S of intussusception 

***Stools with mucous and blood (current jelly like stools)***

sudden pain, draws knees to chest may scream out in pain, sausage shaped abd. Mass. Stool with blood or mucous, vomiting, fever, distended abdomen.


1. S/S of pyloric stenosis

1. projectile vomiting after feeds, non-bilious vomitus. Olive shaped mass in RUQ of abdomen, fails to gain wt. 


What type of diet should a child who is experiencing an appendicitis be on?

They should remain NPO until after their surgery.


2. What is the hallmark sign of lyme disease?

1. What manifestation is unique to measles?

1. Bullseye rash

2. Koplik spots in the mouth


S/S of acute glomerulonephritis

and what will the urinalysis show?

Dark brown (tea-colored) urine, Low overall urine output, Fatigue and lethargy, High blood pressure, Edema, Sore throat, Rash on buttocks and legs

Hematuria and proteinuria in the urinalysis


What are signs of pediculosis capitas?

What education should the nurse give the family about care of the child with head lice?

Itching, Observing the adult louse ,observing nits on the hair shaft

All clothing and linens need to be washed in hot soapy water to kill lice and prevent reinfestation


What allergies should you ask about before giving the flu vaccine?



1. What are signs/symptoms of Wilms tumor

2. A nurse caring for a patient in sickle cell crisis should be monitoring what?

3. How should the nurse explain why the patient with sickle cell anemia is having dyspnea and leg pain?

1. the most frequent presenting sign is an abdominal mass. 

2.Monitoring respiratory status and oxygenation 

3. Clumping of abnormal red blood cells blocks the flow of blood through the capillaries 


What precautions do you take with 


2. Mumps?

3. Flu?

4. Pertussis?


2. Droplet

3. Droplet

4. Droplet


What interventions should the nurse provide after a cleft lip repair?

Apply an antibiotic ointment to the suture site. no straws or suction devices, prevent trauma to suture line, keep site clean, if palate repair do not brush teeth for at least 2 weeks. Or until ordered


What is happening with a child exhibiting periumbilical pain that peaks at 4-hour intervals followed by right lower quadrant pain, which is followed by vomiting.



S/S of celiac disease:

 Foul-smelling stools, flatulence, and weight loss


For a child receiving acyclovir treatment for varicella how fast should the infusion be ran?

Infuse acyclovir slow over 1 hour
