Domestic Policy
Foreign policy
Case studies
US Security Apparatus
Big Tech and Big Media

Name and explain two types of public influence discussed in domestic policy.

What are promotional, regulatory, and redistributive policies? Promotional policies encourage behaviors through positive incentives like subsidies, regulatory policies enforce rules and standards, and redistributive policies aim to redistribute wealth or resources.


What was the predominant stance of early US foreign policy, and who were its proponents?

What is isolationism? Proponents included George Washington and James Monroe.

What about George Washington?


Describe the significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis and its resolution.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, leading to a tense standoff. The crisis was resolved through a deal where the US removed missiles from Turkey, and the Soviets removed missiles from Cuba.


Describe the role of human intelligence (HUMINT) in the US intelligence community.

Human intelligence involves gathering intelligence from human sources, both covertly and overtly. This includes espionage, debriefing sources, and diplomatic channels.


How does big tech collect user data and what are the potential implications of this data collection?

Big tech collects user data through various means like tracking online behavior and preferences. This data can be used for targeted advertising, personalization, and potentially for political influence.


What is the purpose of a progressive income tax and how does it work?

The progressive income tax aims to raise revenue, demonstrate fairness, and reduce wealth disparity. It works by taxing higher incomes at higher rates.


Explain the concept of containment and give an example of its application.

Containment aimed to check the power and expansion of the Soviet Union. An example is the Marshall Plan, which provided aid to rebuild Europe after World War II to prevent the spread of communism.


Analyze the US response to the Hong Kong protests in 2019 and its implications for US-China relations.

The US response to the Hong Kong protests was relatively muted due to ongoing trade negotiations with China. This response raised questions about US commitment to human rights versus economic interests.


Explain the mission of the National Security Council (NSC) and its significance in US national security policy.

The NSC advises the President on national security and foreign policy matters. It coordinates policy among various agencies and helps shape US strategy in response to global threats.


Explain how big tech companies like Facebook and Google maintain dominance in their respective markets.

Big tech companies often acquire rivals and inhibit the development of competing products. For example, Facebook's acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram hindered competition in the social media market.


Explain the role of the Federal Reserve Board in monetary policy and give an example of a tool it uses.

The Federal Reserve Board manipulates money and credit supply to regulate the economy. An example of a tool it uses is setting the federal funds rate, which influences borrowing and lending rates. Interest RATES


Describe the role of diplomacy in foreign policy and give an example of a diplomatic effort.

Diplomacy involves negotiation and communication between countries to achieve objectives. An example is the Iran Nuclear Deal, aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.


Discuss the US involvement in the Middle East, focusing on recent events like the Abraham Accords and the impact on regional stability.

The Abraham Accords aimed to normalize relations between Israel and Arab states, potentially reducing tensions in the region. However, they also raised concerns about the Palestinian issue and Iran's influence.


Identify three major intelligence agencies in the US and briefly describe their primary functions.

The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) conducts intelligence operations abroad. The NSA (National Security Agency) focuses on signals intelligence (SIGINT) and cybersecurity. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) handles domestic intelligence and counterintelligence.


Discuss the role of social media in shaping public discourse and its impact on free speech.

Social media platforms serve as modern-day public squares, influencing public opinion and debate. However, concerns arise regarding censorship, algorithmic biases, and the spread of misinformation.


Describe the concept of expropriation and give an example.

Expropriation involves the confiscation of property for public use. An example is eminent domain, where the government takes private property for projects like building roads or schools.


Discuss the importance of collective security in US global relations, providing an example of a collective security organization.

Collective security involves a group of nations agreeing to support each other in case of attack. An example is NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).


Discuss the implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on global geopolitics and US foreign policy.

China's Belt and Road Initiative aims to enhance connectivity and infrastructure development across Asia, Africa, and Europe. This initiative has both economic and strategic implications, including increased Chinese influence in target regions, potential debt traps for participating countries, and competition with US-led initiatives like the Indo-Pacific Strategy.


Discuss the implications of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on surveillance practices in the US.

FISA allows for surveillance of foreign powers and agents within the US. However, concerns have been raised about its potential for abuse and infringement on civil liberties, especially regarding surveillance of US citizens.


Describe the significance of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the debates surrounding its reform.

Section 230 shields social media platforms from liability for user-generated content while allowing them to moderate content. Debates revolve around the balance between free speech and accountability for harmful content.

  • Compare and contrast contributory and non-contributory programs, providing examples of each.

Contributory programs, like Social Security, are funded by contributions from participants and provide benefits based on what is paid in. Non-contributory programs, like SNAP (food stamps), are based on need and do not require contributions.


Analyze the US response to the Hong Kong protests in 2019, considering the factors influencing US foreign policy decisions.

The US response to the Hong Kong protests was influenced by factors such as trade negotiations with China, human rights concerns, and geopolitical considerations. Despite some condemnation, the response was relatively muted to avoid jeopardizing trade talks.


Discuss the US response to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia, including the diplomatic fallout and its impact on US-Saudi relations.

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul sparked international outrage and scrutiny of Saudi Arabia's human rights record. The US response was initially muted due to close ties with Saudi Arabia, but pressure mounted for action. The US imposed sanctions on individuals involved but stopped short of implicating Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This incident strained US-Saudi relations, raised questions about US commitment to human rights versus strategic alliances, and highlighted the challenges of balancing moral imperatives with geopolitical interests.


Explain the significance of cybersecurity challenges in modern national security and provide an example of a major cyber threat.

Cybersecurity threats pose significant risks to national security, including attacks on critical infrastructure, espionage, and disinformation campaigns. An example is the SolarWinds hack, where Russian hackers breached US government and corporate networks.


How does big tech's global influence impact international relations, particularly with authoritarian regimes like China?

Big tech's operations in countries with authoritarian regimes raise questions about censorship, data privacy, and government influence. For example, TikTok's operations in China have raised concerns about data privacy and potential censorship.
