Classical Conditioning
Factors that affect conditioning
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What Russian scientist is credited with the development of classical conditioning through his famous experiments with dogs and a metronome?

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


Who was the psychologist known for conducting the Little Albert experiment, a landmark study in behaviorism?

Who is John B. Watson?


If a learned response makes a comeback after a break, what term in classical conditioning describes this?

What is spontaneous recovery?


Changing behavior and/or knowledge as a result of experiences

What is Learning


In classical conditioning, what term is used for the response that is initially unlearned and automatically triggered by the unconditioned stimulus?

What is the unconditioned response?


In Pavlov's famous experiment with dogs, what was the unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicited the unconditioned response of salivation?

What is food?


In the Little Albert experiment, what stimulus did Watson and Rayner use to condition fear in the infant known as Little Albert?

What is a white rat?


In classical conditioning, what term refers to the process of the conditioned response weakening or disappearing when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus?

What is extinction?


The process of learning associations between environmental experiences and behavioral responses

What is Conditioning?


What does CCR stand for in classical conditioning when stimuli signaling drug intake cause the body to react in the opposite way to the drug's effects?

What is Conditioned compensatory response (CCR)


Name the process by which a conditioned response weakens or disappears over time when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus.

 What is extinction?


 In the Little Albert experiment, what did Watson and Rayner use to create a loud, frightening noise that was paired with the presentation of the white rat?

What is striking a steel bar with a hammer?


What is the word describing when a conditioned response is triggered not only by the original conditioned stimulus but also by similar stimuli?

What is stimulus generalization?


What is the term for a stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response without prior conditioning?

What is an unconditioned stimulus?


According to John Garcia's research, what factor plays a crucial role in the development of conditioned aversions to specific foods in classical conditioning?

What is biological preparedness?


In classical conditioning, what term is used to describe the reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a period of rest?

What is spontaneous recovery?


In the Little Albert experiment, what type of response did they aim to condition in the infant?

What is Fear?


What factor in classical conditioning is crucial for preventing the generalization of a conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus?

What is stimulus discrimination?


What term is used for the response that was originally a neutral stimulus but becomes a learned reaction through association with an unconditioned stimulus?

What is a conditioned response?


Give an example of classical conditioning in everyday life.

Come up with your own and the answer will provide you with one I made.

Val's Example:

Needles = anxiety

Smell of alcohol wipes + Needle = anxiety


Smell of alcohol wipes = anxiety


What is the term for a neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response after repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus?

What is a conditioned stimulus?


What psychological principle was demonstrated in the Little Albert experiment, where a neutral stimulus became associated with an emotional response?

What is Classical Conditioning?


Conditioning is most effective when the conditioned stimulus is presented immediately before an unconditioned stimulus. What is the GENERAL time frame?

Usually 1⁄2 second to a few seconds


FUN FACT: Ivan Pavlov was from...



Give an example of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus that could be paired in a classical conditioning experiment.

Again come up with your OWN examples.

ex. What is a bell (neutral stimulus) and food (unconditioned stimulus)?
