Provide a description or explanation of similarities or differences
What is Compare
The Percent the Value of the MCQ and the FRQ
Assesses your ability to describe and explain the effects of political institutions
What is Concept Applications
Used to make sure that your response isn't confusing and easy to misinterpret
No Flowery Language
Give Extra Answers where possible
Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic
What is Describe
The 4 FRQ categories.
Concept application, Quantitative Analysis, SCOTUS Comparision, Argument Essay
An FRQ that will ask you to present a side to support a claim
What is Argument Essay
Make sure not to categorize your answers by letter, because you will run into this golden rule!
Turn Letters into bullet points
If the AP reader isn't able to quickly understand your handwriting, this is the number of points you will get
What is 0
Articulate a claim and support it with evidence
What is Develop an argument
How long you have for all 4 FRQs
What is 100 Minutes
Explaining how the data demonstrate a political priniple, institution, process ,policy, or behavior
What is Quantitative Analysis
avoiding ambiguous pronouns will help you get points because of this rule
What is No Pronouns Allowed
which is better:
1:They can change the structure of the courts.
2:Congress can change the structure of the courts.
What is 2
Use available info to make an accurate statement
What is Draw a Conclusion
Number of MCQs you have to answer
one of the verbs most likely to be used in Quantitative Analysis
Describe, draw a conclusion, Explain
Jack had the right answer to part B of the question but put it in a section parked part D. Will he get the points?
What is No
3 Examples of words to avoid because they are Subjective
Good, Bad, Better, Worse, Improve, Worsen, Pos, Neg
Provide information about how or why something occurs, using evidence and or reasoning
What is Explain
FRQ worth the most points
Argument Essay
When you are presented with a non required supreme court case, you will be asked to compare it to this.
what is a required supreme courtcase, a political principle, institution, process, policy or behavior.
3 Words that are unobjecteve to describe trends
expand, Increase, Grow, More
This golden rule helps you save points because you and the AP Reader have different opinions
Avoid Subjective Terms