Presidential Scandals
Presidential Policies
Conflict Points
Societal Tranformation
90's Trivia

During the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson ends up facing off with Aaron Burr instead of John Adams, why did this happen? 

The people were afraid of having opposite political parties in office again. Thus, they decided to pack all the votes for one political party. However, at this point in time the vice president was the person who got the second most votes rather than the running mate of the person running for president. In packing the votes for one party to ensure a president and a vice president from the same party. The candidates accidentally tie and Burr refuses to step down. 


This president allowed for the declaration of war on Mexico.

James K. Polk


Prior to what conflict does the United States declare war for the first time? Who is president at the time?

The War of 1812. James Madison. 


Following the Revolutionary War, a large drop in demand for tobacco leads to less demand for slaves. Slave owners began to free slaves on their own accord individually. What is the vocabulary term that goes with this definition?



Released in 1996 this popular trading game is still a prominent part of society today. 

Pokémon Cards


What were some bad things that were claimed about Andrew Jackson's presidency that are unusual? 

He claimed to be a murderer and an adulterer.


Thomas Jefferson promised to be frugal during his administration. How did he contradict himself during his presidency? Name the three ways. 

He expanded the White House. He built a capitol building for legislature. He made the Louisiana Purchase. 


Why did the Barbary Wars begin? 

Jefferson refused to continue paying the pirates tribute. 


What is a common divisive issue for Indian tribes during the time periods we have covered? I mentioned it when we talked about Tecumseh's struggle to raise support for his confederacy and with tribes that were affected by the Indian Removal Act. 

The desire to war with the white people vs. the desire to assimilate into their ways. 

Before streaming services existed, one would spend hours here trying to decide on a movie. 



An administration that seems to favor the British angers the French leading to them disrupting American shipping. In response American diplomats are sent to France, where they receive an insulting welcome. Mysterious men refuse to give their names and demand a large sum of money to see their foreign minister Talleyrand. 

X,Y,Z affair

The Adams-Onis Treaty took place during which presidency? What were the conditions of the treaty? 
James Monroe. The Americans would receive Florida. In return, the Americans would recognize Spanish sovereignty over Texas. The Spanish would make a statement that they would not claim anymore territory in the United States, specifically in the Northwest territory. 
What are the factors that cause the war of 1812? 

Impressment of American ships by the British

The British arming Indian tribes and meddling in Indian affairs

Border Issues with Canada


The Compromise of 1850 included the fugitive slave act which did what? 

1. It declared that the north had to return all runaway slaves to the south by federal law. 

2. It said that these slaves in question would not be given any trial to prove that they actually were runaways. 


Name the type of search engine that dinosaur computers of this era had. It often made a sound that kids sang along to. 

Dial up Internet


Which president passed the Alien and Sedition Acts? Why were they passed?  Define each piece. 

John Adams. It targeted the French. 

It extended the amount of time to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years. 

It created a registry to find immigrants in the census. 

It allowed the president to deport anyone that he wanted to. 

It made it illegal to criticize the government.


This doctrine will define foreign policy for years to come following its start in 1823. What is it called and what did it entail? 

The Monroe Doctrine. It has two pieces. The first one declares that Americans would not allow any other European nations to colonize in the Western Hemisphere. It also declares the nation's desires to stay out of Europe's foreign affairs. 


Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act. 

It passed as a piece of legislature that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to each become states. It was significant because each territory was given popular sovereignty over whether it would become a free or a slave state.


What were the biggest issues with the Articles of Confederation? 

It had no standing military, no ability to raise tax money, no judiciary branch or executive branch, took too long to make decisions, and did not have enough centralized power. 


A collectible stuffed animal that was wildly popular during this era. 

Beanie Babies


Explain what happens with the corrupt bargain. 

The Election of 1824 reveals inconclusive results that leads to John Quincy Adams teaming up with Henry Clay to overthrow Jackson's claims to presidency.


This president issued a highly controversial act ordering the removal of five Indian tribes from Southern territory. Who was the president? What was the act? What tribe held out the longest and why? How did this lead to the Trail of Tears? 

Andrew Jackson. Indian Removal Act of 1830. Cherokee Nation because they attempted to assimilate into the ways of the white man. They were ultimately coerced into signing a treaty that gave away their land. Once it was signed, the American government took action in forcing tribal members from their home to make them march to Oklahoma. 


Name the five battles we talked about from the Civil War in order. 

Bull Run, Shiloh, Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg.


What were the conditions of statehood according to the Northwest Ordinance? 

The population had to reach 60,000 and they had to adopt their own Constitution. 


This female singer had the most number one billboard hits in the 90's.

Mariah Carey
