Quotes 1
Quotes 2
Quotes 3

WHAT story is this quote? "In many ways, it's another day at the office..."

Daring, Defiant, and Free; the author, page 15


In the story The Bet, what did the prisoner experience for the first year of his confinement?

The prisoner suffered from loneliness and depression. He played piano and refused wine and tobacco (page 42).


WHAT story is this quote from and WHO said it? "But then, it just didn't... I couldn't get myself excited about it and so I kind of made of my mind...I had this great idea."

Climbing Yosemite, Jimmy Chin, page 16


What is the name of the photographer who climbs, and what is his cultural background?

Jimmy Chin, Chinese-American


WHAT story is this from? "People suffering from depression often find their negative moods are accompanied by negative thoughts."

East Meets West, Page 91


WHAT story is this quote from and WHO said it? "It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made."

Steve Job's Commencement Address, Steve Jobs, page 10


What are some factors that experts link eating disorders to? 

Family relationships, psychological problems, and genetics. (page 37)


WHAT story is this quote from? "Suring masses eagerly pushed forward, trying to get within hearing distance of the rally."

The Minority Report (page 31)


In the story, "We Ate the Children Last," what letter is used to refer to the patient?

Patient D, page 39


WHAT story is this quote from? "Evidence is slowly mounting of its potential to combat a range of health problems."

East Meets West, page 91


WHAT story is this quote from and WHO said it? "We'll be working in close collaboration, and I really think we ought to get better acquainted." 

The Minority Report, Lisa to Witwer, page 19.


In the story The Bet, the majority of the guests considered the death penalty immoral for which kind of states?

Christian states, page 41.


WHAT story is this quote from and WHO said it? "This was the closest I've been to facing death."

Steve Job's Commencement Address, Steve Jobs, page 13


List 3 warning signs of bulimia.

Preoccupation about weight; Strict dieting followed by high-calorie eating binges; overeating when distressed; feeling out of control; depressed moods; alcohol or drug abuse; laxatives or diuretics; excessive exercising; irregular menstrual cycles. 


WHAT story is this from and WHO said it? "'Don't kid yourself,' the other said. 'You know better than that.'"

The Minority Report, Fleming, page 23


WHAT story is this quote from? "A day spent fishing and gathering was followed by a night of eating and ritual."

Sea gypsies of Myanmar, page 5


In the story, We Ate the Children Last, WHERE was the medical team from?

France ("French medical team"), page 39


WHAT story is this quote from? "He made up his mind to go in."

The Bet, page 44


In Understanding Eating Disorders in Teens, the authors give examples of two eating disorder cases in teens. What are those two names?

Kerri and Mason


WHAT story is this quote from and WHO said it? "This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades."

Steve Job's Commencement Address, Steve Jobs, Page 13


WHAT story is this quote from? "Treatment should address psychological, behavioral, nutritional and other medical complications." 

Understanding Eating Disorders, Page 26


What is the fake identity that Anderton is given? (Name, occupation, state, # of kids)

Ernest Temple, unemployed electrician, New York, wide and four kids (page 24).


Explain the significance of the following quote: "The existence of a majority logically implies a corresponding minority." (page, 24).

Answers will vary:: If we ignore a minority opinion when it is being expressed in a civil way, we can be sure those who believe it will find a way to be heard.


What are the names of the 3 precogs?

Donna, Jerry, and Mike (page 34)


WHAT story is this quote from? "It was a dark autumn night."

The Bet, opening line, page 41.
