Baby is able to do
Typical or Atypical?
Overview of Reflexes
Overview of reflexes
Reflexes 3.0

A 12-month-old baby is able to pick up small objects like cereal pieces using a pincer grasp (thumb and index finger) 

Is this typical or atypical development?

This is typical development. BY 10-12 months, many babies develop the ability to use a pincer grasp to pick up small objects, which is an important milestone in fine motor skill development. If a 12-month-old is not showing this ability, it may be considered atypical and could warrant further evaluation


A 9-month-old baby is able to use a raking grasp to pick up small objects, using all fingers and the thumb

Is this typical or atypical? 

This is typical development. By 9 months, many babies use a raking grasp to pick up small items. Atypical development would involve an inability to pick up small objects or delayed hand coordination at this stage


This reflex causes a baby to turn their head and open their mouth when their cheek is stroked, helping them find the breast or bottle for feeding. 

Bonus point for age of onset 

What is the rooting reflex?

What is birth to 3 months? 


This reflex causes a newborn to extend their legs and attempt to bear weight when their feet touch a flat surface, though they cannot stand independently.

What is the neonatal positive support reflex (or primary standing reflex)?

What is birth to 1-2 months? 


These reflexive movements are triggered when a baby is tipped in different directions, causing them to extend their arms to protect themselves from falling.

What is protective extension of the upper extremities (parachute reflex), including downward, sideways, and backward extensions?

What is appears between 6-9 months and continues through life 


A 9 month old baby is unable to use either a raking grasp or a pincer grasp to pick up small objects like cereal pieces

Is this typical or atypical development? 

This is atypical development, by 9 months, babies typically use a raking grasp, and some may begin developing a pincer grasp. If the baby isn't able to pick up small objects or shows little hand coordination, it could indicate a developmental delay.


A 6 month old baby is unable to reach for or grasp toys that are placed in front of them

This is atypical development. By 6 months, babies usually reach out for toys and grasp them. If a baby isnt reaching for objects or has difficulty grasping, it may indicate a delay in fine motor development.


This reflex allows a baby to coordinate drawing liquid into their mouth and safely sending it down their throat, crucial for feeding.

What is the sucking/swallowing reflex?

What is Birth to 2-5 months? 


This reflex, often called the "fencing reflex," causes a baby’s arm to extend on the side where the head is turned, while the opposite arm bends.

What is the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)?

What is birth to 4-6 months? 


This protective reflex is triggered when a child is pushed or shifted in different directions, causing them to step or "stagger" to maintain balance.

What is the stagger reflex of the lower extremities (forward, backward, and sideways)? 

What is appears 15-18 months, continues throughout life? 


In utero (16-20 weeks), the fetus begins to make grasping motions can bring their hands to their face

Is this typical or atypical development? 

This is typical development. By 16-20 weeks of gestation, babies in utero typically develop reflexive hand movements and may grasp the umbilical cord or bring their hands toward their face


A 2 year old is able to turn the pages of a board book, one at a time

This is typical development. By 2 years old, children usually develop enough fine motor control to turn thick book pages independently. Difficulty in turning pages or handling books could be considered atypical for this age.


This reflex, also known as the startle reflex, causes a baby to throw their arms out, arch their back, and then bring their arms back in when they feel a sudden loss of support or hear a loud noise.

What is the Moro reflex?

What is birth to 4-6 months? 


This reflex helps a baby prepare for crawling by causing the arms to bend and the legs to extend when the head is bent down, and the arms to straighten and the legs to bend when the head is raised.

What is the Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)?

What is birth to 4-6 months 


This reflex helps a child maintain balance and posture when sitting by adjusting their trunk and limbs in response to shifts in body position.

What is the equilibrium reflex (sitting)?

What is appears 7-8 months continues throughout life? 


A 3 month old baby is able to bring their hands to their mouth and briefly grasp objects placed in their hands 

Is this typical or atypical development? 

This is typical development. By 3 months, babies often start bringing their hands to their mouth and grasping objects, although their grip is still reflexive at this stage if a baby is not showing any hand movement or attempts to grasp, it may be considered atypical  


A 3 month old baby does not bring their hands to their mouth or make any attempt to grasp objects

This is atypical development. By 3 months, babies usually bring their hands to their mouth and grasp objects reflexively. If a baby shows no interest in their hands or doesn't attempt to grasp, this could indicate a delay 


This reflex causes a baby to tightly grasp an object, such as a finger, when it is placed in their palm.

What is the palmar grasp reflex?

What is birth to 4-6 months? 


This reflex causes a baby’s body to extend when the head is tilted back and to flex when the head is tilted forward, helping to develop posture and muscle tone.

What is the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)?

What is birth to 4-6 months? 


This reflex allows a child to maintain balance and posture while standing by making automatic adjustments to their limbs and trunk in response to shifts in body position.

What is the equilibrium reflex (standing)?

What is appears 12-21 months, continues throughout life?


A 6 month old baby is able to transfer a toy from one hand to another

Is this typical or atypical development? 

This is typical development. By 6 months, babies usually start to transfer objects between their hands, showing increasing hand-eye coordination and bilateral hand use. If the baby is not able to do this, it may be atypical for their age


An 18-month-old baby is able to build a tower of two to three blocks

Typical or aytpical? 

This is typical development. Around 18 months, babies often develop the coordination and fine motor skills needed to stack a few blocks. If an 18-month old struggles with this, it could be a sign of delayed fine motor development


This reflex causes a baby to curl their toes downward when the sole of their foot is gently stroked.

What is the plantar grasp reflex?

What is birth to 4-9 months? 


This reflex, observed when a baby is held in a horizontal, prone position, causes them to lift their head and extend their legs, resembling a "superman" pose.

What is the Landau reflex?

What is 3-4 months to 12-24 months 


These reflexes help a baby maintain balance and adjust their body position when tilted while lying on their stomach (prone) or back (supine), involving movements of the head, trunk, and limbs.

What are the equilibrium or tilting reflexes (prone and supine)?

What is appears 5-6 months, continues throughout life? 
