
What are the four steps of the research process?

Data gathering, invention, drafting, revision


What does APA stand for and what are 3 disciplines that use it?

American Psychological Association: nursing, psychology, criminal justice, history, sociology, hard sciences


What is the purpose of the warrant in an argument?

The warrant acts as a connecting bridge between the claim and data. It provides an explanation as to why the data is being used and how it supports the overall claim.


Define the fallacy of moral equivalence

A comparison of a minor misdeed with major atrocity, equating them both in the end.

What does it mean that an argumentative thesis must be debatable?

There are 2 or more sides that can rationally, reasonably and logically argue the claim.


What does it mean that an argumentative research thesis is debatable?

It has 2 or more sides that can be reasonably, logically and rationally argued.


What are the 4 major sections of an APA paper?

Title, abstract, body, references


Define the claim of solution/policy.

Argues that one solution/policy approach is better than another.


"George Bush is a good communicator because he speaks effectively" is an example of what logical fallacy?

Circular argument


In what order are sources listed within the Reference page of an APA essay?

Alphabetically by author's last name.


What are the four segments of an APA essay?

Title page, abstract, body, references


When citing 20 or more authors in the reference page, what must you do to organize the authors?

Write out the first 19 (last name, first initial) in the order that they appear on the article, then use an ellipsis (...) followed by the very last name (last, first initial).


Define claim of value

This argues what something is worth (not necessarily based on monetary status).


____________ assumes that if A occurs before B, then B must have caused A to happen.

Ex: I drank bottled water and now I am sick, therefore, the bottled water must have made me sick.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc


Define genetic fallacy.

This conclusion is based on an argument that the origins of a person, idea, institute, or theory determine its character, nature, or worth.


What is the difference between primary and secondary research? Give 2 examples of each.

Primary research is done by the author/first hand account like surveys, interviews, observations. Secondary research is information borrowed from another like magazines, journals, documentaries.


Using a signal phrase and narrative citation, put the following information into APA in-text formatting.

Ellis Smith

page 14


"Research suggests that women comprise only 18% of active serial killers globally."

According to Ellis Smith (2012), "Research suggests..." (p. 14).


Why is it important to include or recognize the opposition?

To prevent bias and one-sidedness within an argument. It also strengthens the claim by then presenting a rebuttal.


Briefly explain the fallacy of Ad hominem.

Attacking the character of the person rather than the opinion/claims that they've argued.


What is an ellipsis and how is it used?

... and it is used to omit sections of a direct quote while signaling to the reader that information is missing.


What is the difference between peer reviewed/scholarly sources and non-scholarly sources?

Peer-reviewed and scholarly sources have been edited, reviewed and vetted by experts in the field before publication. Non scholarly sources have not and may be subject to criticism or invalid/incorrect/biased information
Put the following information from an article in a journal into a reference entry:

A river runs through it: How gender fluidity reshapes our evolving societies (article title)

Harrowing: A Journal Of Gender Theory

issue 7

January 7, 2019

Ingrid Imanson and Jodie Stanis

pages 37-45

Imanson, I. & Stanis, J. (2019). A river runs through it: How gender fluidity reshapes our evolving societies. Harrowing: A Journal of Gender Theory", (7), 37-45.


Aristotle's appeals help us to persuade the audience into believing that our claim is just as or more valid than the opposition. Briefly define these 3 appeals.

Ethos: Ethical appeal, explains the credibility of the sources used

Pathos: Emotional appeal that uses emotional language to persuade readers via sympathy/empathy

Logos: Logical appeal that uses reason and rationale to convince readers of the overall claim


"If the government bans Hummers, eventually they will ban all cars" is an example of what logical fallacy?

Slippery slope


If there are 20 or more authors in a source, how are they presented in the reference entry in the end of the essay?

Last name, first initial of the first 19 authors, followed by an ellipsis (...) and the very last author.
