
The basic sounds of language that can be combined to produce words and sentences



Anna is a five year old girl and overhears a conversation between her parents.
Anna’s mom proclaims, “I love my job so much. Working hard, being disrespected, and hardly making any money is all I have ever wanted.” Eventually Anna jumps into their conversation saying, “I’m glad you love your job mom.” why might Anna be confused here?

Anna doesn’t understand pragmatics of language


 Andrew is an adult male who consistently has relationship troubles. A psychologist would categorize Andrew as having an avoidant insecure/dismissive adult attachment style. Which of the following best describes how Andrew may act in a relationship?

Andrew has a hard time becoming close to others. He often feels lonely and has gone
through many breakups.


 Which is NOT one of John Holland’s personality types



There is a genetically determined, innate mechanism that directs the development of language. What is this and who developed it?

Nativist Approach

Noam Chomsky


The rules that govern the meaning of words and sentences



What kind of communication is a 1 year-old most likely to use?

One-word phrases 


Kaylee is sociable, fun loving, and affectionate. Which of the Big 5 Personality Dimensions does Kaylee prove to be in this example?

High Extraversion


If a child is unable to calm down after their mother returns and is angry, which of Ainsworth’s main attachment relationships are they exhibiting?



Developed widely used experimental technique to measure attachment. What was the name of the experiment? Who is associated with the experiment? And explain what they did in the experiment 

The strange situation 

Mary Ainsworth


Part A- Using words too restrictively; when toddlers think a word is a specific instance of an object and not the object itself

Part B- Words are used too broadly; overgeneralizing their meaning

A- Underextension



 Examiner: What do you do with a hammer?
Patient: Found...flound...uh...sss...tuh found...oh...ssst
Examiner: Do you pound with it?
Patient: Yes
This an example of which type of aphasia?

Broca’s aphasia


When Greta was in her 30’s, she took up a variety of hobbies such as rock climbing, being part of a book club, and playing tennis. She continued her active
lifestyle into her 50’s. Now as 75 year old, she is very happy as she walks every day with friends for exercise and has joined a book club with a group in the
neighborhood. She is about as active now as she was earlier in life. In contrast, Alberta tends to stay to herself, which is similar to how she led her life when she was younger too. She’s very happy, just like Greta. Alberta’s and Greta’s happiness can be attributed to which theory of late adulthood?

Continuity theory


Which of these is NOT one of the interactions that John Bowlby said was needed to develop an attachment? 


Attentional bias
Feeding a baby
Parent sensitivity

Feeding a baby


Which psychologist supports the notion that thoughts and language influence each other?

Who argued that private speech facilitates children's thinking and helps them control their behavior, that it's a forerunner to inner dialogues, and children can solve problems and reflect on difficulties?

(same person) 



New words are associated with their meaning after only a brief encounter

Fast Mapping


Bella has just retired from working at the library and could not be happier. Recently, she has been enjoying reading per usual and picked up a new hobby of going to yoga at the studio in town. Bella is an example of which theory?

Activity Theory


Ashley is 16 years old. She has discovered she really enjoys interacting with others and helping people. She also discovered that she is really into the practice
of medicine since she is interested in her science classes. She is thinking about becoming a nurse. According to Ginzberg, what period is Ashley in?

Tentative Period


Andrew is 2 years old. His parents love the outdoors; therefore, Andrew is outside a lot with them. When they are outside in their yard, his parents allow
him to walk around to explore his surroundings. They encourage him to touch objects that are safe to touch, and they tell him what the name of the objects are.
As a result, Andrew is starting to develop independence. According to Erikson,what stage is Andrew in?

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Stage


Which psychologist supports the notion that thoughts shape language?



An understanding of one's own use of language

Metalinguistic Awareness


 Carly’s Boyfriend, Max, tells Carly that she is suffocating, needy, and excessively jealous. He tells Carly that he can’t be with her anymore, and breaks
up with her for the 3rd time. Which Attachment style does Carly most likely have?

Ambivalent Insecure


Marley just started a new job as a teacher. She chose to be a teacher because it gives her joy to be able to help students succeed in and out of the classroom.
What is the term associated with the reason Marley chose to be a teacher?



Suggested that expert babies are able to teach skills and info to other infants

Andrew Meltzoff


Argued that there are seven stages of life according to age groups

Roger Gould
