In what chapter of the Old Testament and New Testament is Jesus' birth promised and fulfilled?
Isa 7;14 promised and Mt 1:18-23
Why did Jesus Speak in parable?
To fulfill what was spoken through the OT prophets, to hide [them] from the enemy
When are the promises of Jesus’ first coming fulfilled?
At the second coming, Rv 21:6
Write what is true faith at the time of fulfillment along with a reference verse.
Faith that believes in the realities fulfilled according to the prophecies, Jn 14:29
Write the true meanings of the figurative 1) light/darkness, 2) lampstand (candle stands), 3) blind, 4) deaf, and 5) clothes / wedding clothes
) light/darkness: word of life / ignorance of not having the word
2) lampstand (candle stands): spirits and workers
3) blind: one who sees the word but doesn’t understand
4) deaf: one who hears the word but doesn’t understand
5) clothes/wedding clothes: heart, actions, doctrines / righteous acts