Approaches to Psych
Careers in Psych
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Honey, I shrunk the kids
Mystery Science Theater 3k
An approach to psychology emphasizing that human behavior is determined mainly by what a person has learned, especially from rewards and punishments
What is the Behavioral Approach?
Michael Jordan, MD. Is a licensed doctor of medicine who deals with with psychological disorders, and provides both talk and drug therapy. -Name his job title
What is Psychiatry?
This is an educated guess that aims to answer your research question.
What is a hypothesis?
Steven is a renowned neurosurgeon, who is also an expert in cognition. He proposes a study which requires experimentation on 100 lab rats. The APA has this to say about it :
He : 1) Must have a clear scientific purpose 2) Must care for and house the animals in a humane way 3) Must acquire animal subjects legally 4) Must design experimental conditions that employ the least amount of suffering feasible
Jack is participating in a scientific study to make some extra cash. There are two groups , one which will receive an active pill and one which will receive a placebo. He does not know which group he is in, as they have only been labeled "Group A" and "Group B"- Name that experimental design.
What is a single -blind experiment?
Emphasizes childhood experiences, mislaid sexual urges, aggression, and the formation of behavior
What is the Psychoanalytic approach?
Janet Jackson, PhD. loves kids! She is a practicing psychologist focused on the changes that a human undergoes from pre-natal to death. - Name her job title
What is developmental psychology?
This is the variable manipulated by the researcher in an experiment
What is the independent variable?
Sandy is an experimenter looking to make some extra cash. She considers selling e-mail addresses and phone numbers of her past participants to a telemarketing company. (Would she be allowed to do this ? Why or why not?)
What is NO, because all participants are guaranteed confidentiality of identity and records
Jon is in a control group in a medical experiment. He receives a sugar pill instead of an active blood pressure medication, but he still sees effects from the medicine. He is experiencing WHAT effect?
What is the Placebo effect
Which field of psychology believes the following , "Rational thought can influence behavior and that the most important human ability is to take in information and process it".
What is the Cognitive approach to psychology
Alex Mack is a working professional who deals with issues with development of abilities, learning and development
What is an educational psychologist?
In an experiment, this is the factor affected by the independent variable
What is the dependent variable ?
Kaitlin participated in a study about anxiety , and now has questions about her test results. Under the APA guidelines she is allowed to see them, as well these key pieces of information. (tell me what participants are entitled to see after they participate in a study)
What is information about the nature, results, and conclusions of the research
This is one of the most popular methods of data collection. It is cheap, can reach a lot of people quickly, and does not require it's own laboratory space. Hint: You often find numbers to call for these on the bottom of fast-food receipts
What is a survey?
This approach emphasizes the influence of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socio-economics status on behavior and mental processes
What is the sociocultural approach?
Jim Carry has undergone a drastic change in career fields, he now works in a school and deals with learning and educational problems and measures of ability - Name his career
What is a school psychologist?
A measure of the extent to which two factors vary together, and thus of how well either factor predicts the other. The correlation coefficient is the mathematical expression of the relationship, ranging from -1 to +1. Remember, this term is not the same thing as causation.
What is correlation?
A) When it is not feasible to use alternatives that do not involve deception B) When the potential findings justify the use of deception because of their scientific, educational, or applied value These are the only 2 situations in which the experimenters use of _____ is allowable
What is deception?
Peter is working as an experimenter in a lab. The newest experiment he is working on has two groups- group 1 and group 2. One of these groups is receiving active vitamin C tablets , and the other is receiving an orange skittle. Neither the participants nor Peter know which group is which! Name that experimental design.
What is double blind ?
Those who ascribe to this school of thought stress the human capacity for self-fulfillment, conscious choice, and self-direction
What is the humanistic approach to psychology ?
Ms. Tubbs loves this field of psychology, which studies interactions between people, including but not limited to things like : groups,obedience, altruism, and attribution.
What is social psychology?
The scientific method has these five steps
What are : forming a research question, forming a hypothesis, testing a hypothesis, analyzing the results and drawing conclusions ?
Providing, explaining, and obtaining participant signatures on THESE documents is an absolute requirement under the APA's guidelines for ethical research.
What are informed consent forms, and debriefing forms?
This is one of the most popular methods of data collection. It allows for a greater degree of control, allows for experimenter manipulation, and allows for real-world situations to be simulated in a safe environment. Hint: They often do this on Mythbusters
What is experimentation?