Before Columbus
Columbus to Washington
No Anglo
Washington to Lincoln

The first inhabitants of America, living here before white or Black people.

Who are the American Indians?


Christopher Columbus found America in 1492 while looking for a way to reach this country in Asia, which was then the richest country on Earth.

What is China?


This American Indian teenager married John Rolfe and helped make peace between the English Virginia colony and the Powhatan Empire ruled by her father. 

Who was Pocohontas?


This President doubled the size of the USA by buying the Louisiana Purchase from France.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?



Britain vs. France (plus lots of other countries and tribes)

Cause: Who owned Ohio?

Winner: Britain (barely)

What is the French and Indian War?


The continent where the American Indians are believed to come from, via a land bridge in Alaska or a route by sea down the Pacific coast.

What is Asia?


As soon as white Europeans started building settlements in America, they were using Indians for forced labor - a system called this.

What is slavery?


This African Muslim came to America as a slave but eventually became a scout for the shipwrecked Spanish sailors who were the first non-Indians to explore New Mexico in the 1600's.

Who was Esteban the Moor? 


In only 4 years as President, James K. Polk conquered half of Mexico and added it to America, land which would eventually become these 8 American states? (name THREE)

What are the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming?



Britain vs. the 13 colonies

Cause: Taxes (and lots of other stuff)

Winner: the 13 colonies

What is the Revolutionary War (or the American Revolution)?


This location in Indiana, now a national park, was once the site of an American Indian city bigger than London around the year 1000.

What is Cahokia?


For every white European who came to America, three people were brought here by force from this continent.

What is Africa?


This man started life as a slave in Maryland but became one of the most famous Black men in America when he escaped and launched a career giving speeches against slavery before the Civil War.

Who is Frederick Douglas?


President Andrew Jackson opened up more land for slavery in the south by illegally forcing this American Indian nation to leave their land in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

Who are the Cherokee?



Britain vs. USA

Cause: Kidnapping of sailors (and lots of other stuff)

Winner: tie

What is the War of 1812?


This fish, found in the North Atlantic, was so valuable that sailors from Europe might have discovered America before Christopher Columbus while looking for it - and then kept their discovery a secret to avoid competition.

What is cod?


These three countries in Europe competed with each other to control North America, often using Indians to fight for them.

What are England, France, and Spain?


Although we think of cowboys as being white men because of Hollywood movies, the fact is that almost 1/4 of them were Black and another 1/3 were this nationality.

What is Mexican?


This white man became famous by committing terrorist violence against pro-slavery Americans in Kansas and West Virginia, which helped ensure that the Civil War would happen.

Who is John Brown?



USA vs. Mexico

Cause: Where, exactly, was the border of Texas?

Winner: USA (by a lot)

What is the Mexican War?


Explorers from this country may have "discovered" America in the 1400's, before Christopher Columbus, by sailing huge "treasure ships" across the Pacific Ocean.

What is China?


The strip of land along the Atlantic coast which was settled by England was known by this name, after the number of different governments established there.

What is the 13 colonies?


When the Civil War began, this group of Americans saw it as a chance to finally live as their preferred gender for a few years by joining the armies.

Who are transgender and non-binary people?


This President gets credit for freeing the slaves, even though he probably would not have done it without the Civil War.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?



USA vs. 11 rebel states

Cause: Slavery

Winner: USA

What is the Civil War?
