Anything Goes
Native Americans
The Colonies
American Revolution
Which source would provide an archaeologist with a primary source of information about pre-Columbian (pre-1492) Indians who settled in North America? a. an article about the Iroquois in an encyclopedia b. an interview with a historian who specializes in early American cultures c. artifacts left by the Iroquois d. a social studies textbook
c. artifacts left by the Iroquois
What led to the rise of cities in Central and South America? a. a source of cheap building material b. an increase in the surplus of agriculture (food) and a rise in population c. farmers planted seeds and cities started to grow d. people needed a place to rest after hunting for animals all day
b. an increase in the surplus of agriculture (food) and a rise in population
European diseases such as smallpox, measles and typhoid took the lives of a. many French fur trappers b. the lost colony of Roanoke c. millions of Native Americans d. all the Spanish settlers
c. millions of Native Americans
Which English settlement was established on an Island off the Carolina coast? a. Jamestown b. Long Island c. Plymouth d. Roanoke
d. Roanoke
The slogan “ No Taxation Without Representation” referred to taxes enacted by a. colonial legislators b. town meetings c. the English Parliament d. the first Continental Congress
c. the English Parliament
What is a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water called?
A strait
Which source would provide an archaeologist with a primary source of information about pre-Columbian Indians who settled in North America? a. an article about the Iroquois in an encyclopedia b. an interview with a historian who specializes in early American cultures c. artifacts left by the Iroquois d. a social studies textbook
c. artifacts left by the Iroquois
The Europeans looked for new sea routes to Asia in order to a. increase their profits from trade. b. find more slaves. c. reach the Americas more quickly d. spread the teachings of the Renaissance
a. increase their profits from trade.
Which statement accurately describes the status of African Americans during the early colonial period? a. They had few rights, even if they were not slaves, but eventually lost any rights that were given to them b. They had full legal and social equality in some colonies c. They had the same employment opportunities as other colonists d. They were all slaves
a. They had few rights, even if they were not slaves, but eventually lost any rights that were given to them
Many American colonists believed that British tax laws were unfair because a. colonists lacked representation in Parliament b. the British treasury had a surplus of funds c. Native American Indians were exempt from British tax laws d. Taxes were higher in the colonies than in England
a. colonists lacked representation in Parliament
What was a major impact of the American Revolution on the Western Hemisphere? a. Canada gained more land. b. Mexico joined the United States in the Revolution. c. Russia increased its control over much of North America. d. Many Latin American people were inspired to rebel against Spanish rule.
d. Many Latin American people were inspired to rebel against Spanish rule.
Early Native Americans in North America tended to settle near rivers mainly because these areas provided a. resources suitable for agriculture b. water power for factories c. protection from enemies d. popular camping sites
a. resources suitable for agriculture
An important reason that the Jamestown settlement almost failed was: a. Settlers arrived too late in the year to build decent shelter b. Settlers planted tobacco instead of food c. Disease caught from Native Americans caused many settlers to die d. People were more interested in finding gold than in growing food
d. People were more interested in finding gold than in growing food
The Pilgrims received help from local Native Americans on all of the following things except a. Finding gold b. Planting crops c. Hunting and fishing d. Making peace with Native tribes
a. Finding gold
Colonial boycotts of British goods before the Revolutionary War were effective measures because they a. reduced the profits of British merchants b. lowered the prices of imported goods c. left British troops short supplies in the colonies d. allowed the Americans to start their own factories
a. reduced the profits of British merchants
Which set of events is in the correct chronological order? a. Boston Tea Party → Declaration of Independence → French and Indian War b. French and Indian War → Boston Tea Party → Declaration of Independence c. Declaration of Independence → French and Indian War → Boston Tea Party d. French and Indian War → Declaration of Independence → Boston Tea Party
b. French and Indian War → Boston Tea Party → Declaration of Independence
How was the Iroquois creation myth passed on from generation to generation?
by word of mouth/spoken language.
What was the result of Columbus' journey ? a. the conquest of the Indies by the Italians b. the establishment of European colonies in Africa c. the beginning of a new scientific age d. the discovery of North and South America for Europeans
d. the discovery of North and South America for Europeans
Which development led to the other three? a. Columbus landing in Hispaniola b. founding of the Jamestown colony c. thousands of Native American Indians dying from new diseases d. Europeans using both tobacco and potatoes
a. Columbus landing in Hispaniola
A basic idea stated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence is that a. the power to govern a nation comes from the people b. people should always follow their government c. America must have a Constitutional Convention d. slavery must end in America
a. the power to govern a nation comes from the people
What was the primary purpose of the Declaration of Independence? a. to persuade England to end slavery in America b. to list reasons the colonies should be free from England c. to provide a plan for financing the American Revolution d. to convince the king to grant colonist more land
b. to list reasons the colonies should be free from England
Explain why different Native groups used different materials in the construction of their housing. Give one example of a group and their material for double points.
Natives had to adapt to their surroundings.
The Crusades were important because: a. the Turks were forced out of the Holy Land. b. many Christians fought there. c. Columbus was a general in one of the wars. d. many Crusaders learned a lot about the Indies and brought back products from there
d. many Crusaders learned a lot about the Indies and brought back products from there
The French and Indian War was an important event in the relationship of the American colonies to England because after the war, England began to a. encourage colonial manufacturing b. levy taxes on the colonies to help pay the war debts c. withdraw all British troops from the colonies d. grant the colonies greater powers of self-government
b. levy taxes on the colonies to help pay the war debts
What was one purpose of the Declaration of Independence? a. to establish a framework for government b. to state the reasons for the colonies to separate from England c. to express reasons for limiting immigration d. to list arguments for women’s suffrage
b. to state the reasons for the colonies to separate from England