The Foundations
The Constitution
The Constitution & Constitutional Convention
Short Essay/ID Terms

A system of government ruled by and for the people

What is Democracy?


Our first constitution!
•Created a confederacy or confederal system
• Weak central government
• a congress with limited power
• States retained ultimate

Congress had limited power
• No power to tax
• No uniform currency
• Unenforceable trade

What is the Articles of Confederation?


 A plan that supported a strong central government:

•Separation of powers

•Checks and balances

Bi-cameral legislature

•each chamber would have representation proportional to the population of states

•Favored by large states

• a national executive

• a national judiciary

What is the Virginia Plan?


A system of government in which sovereignty (independence) is constitutionally divided between the national (federal) and regional (state) governments  

What is Federalism?


Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are philosophers known for this theory, which states that individuals agree to create and obey a government in exchange for security and the benefits of an organized society.

A justification for political authority and the relationship between individuals and the state.

What is Social Contract Theory?


A system of government where the people ruled directly, no representants

Framers were concerned that this form of government would lead to 'mob rule' where decisions might be driven by fleeting passions rather than reasoned deliberation and the long-term interests of society.  

What is Direct Democracy?


A form of government in which power derives from the citizens who elect representatives to make policy and govern. 

What is a Republic?


A plan that strengthened the Articles of Confederation:

• Supremacy Clause

• Unicameral Legislature

• Equal representation

• Favored by small states

•Congress elects the executive branch

•Judicial branch to be

appointed by the executive


What is the New Jersey Plan?


Part 1: In a____ authority rests with regional (state) governments 

Part 2: In a____ virtually all power goes to the national (federal) government. 

What is a Confederal System?

What is a Unitary System?


Republicanism or Democracy?

• Government is based on

popular consent

• The term “people” is

narrowly defined (property, ed,

social standing)

• Indirect rule by the people

• Elected representatives as

trustees of public good

• Barriers to majority rule

• Election of senators,

electoral college

What is Republicanism?


The concept of democracy has its roots in ancient Greece, particularly in the city-state of Athens around the 5th century BCE.

What is the Origins of Democracy?


This clause makes the Constitution of the United States, plus all laws and treaties made under the Constitution, superior to state law. Otherwise known as the "the supreme Law of the land"

What is Supremacy Clause?


Part 1: a group of framers, including Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay supported a strong federal/central government:

• Wrote 85 essays to sway public opinion
• Three branches/separation of powers and checks and balances
• Best protection for civil liberties 

Part 2: a group that opposed a strong central government (supremacy clause)

•Will lead to national tyranny (necessary and proper clause)

•No protection on individual liberties (no bill of rights)

•Leaned toward monarchy (no term limits)

•Created an aristocracy (we created a republic!)

Who were the Federalist?

Who were the Anti Federalist?


The benefits of this ideology:

- Promotion of diversity in policy experimentation

- Increased citizen participation in government

- a double security of individual rights and liberties

What are the benefits of Federalism?


Republicanism or Democracy?

• Government is based on

popular consent

• The term “people” is broadly


•Elected representative as

delegates of public good

What is Democracy?


A form of democracy in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions and govern on their behalf. This system allows for a larger and more complex society to be governed, as elected officials represent the interests of their constituents in a legislative body.

What is Representative Democracy?


The first 10 amendments to the Constitution!

• Demanded by the anti-federalists

• Designed to protect individuals, originally applied to the national government 

• Does not protect individuals from state government

What is the Bill of Rights?


The Constitution specifically lists powers granted to Congress. Example: the ability to levy taxes, regulate interstate commerce, and declare war. 

What are Enumerated Powers?


The idea that each citizen must have a chance to have his or her voice heard in government  

What is Political Equality?


James Madison & Factions

What is Factions? (Federalist Paper 10)


According to John Locke, these "rights" are so fundamental that the government cannot take them away. 

What are Natural Rights?

(Life, Liberty, and Property)


Part 1: The Constitution separates the Federal power into three branches of government.

Part 2: The Constitution divides the powers within the three branches to create what kind of system?

What are the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government?

What are Checks & Balances?


This clause, also known as the "elastic clause," allows Congress to make laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out its enumerated powers (example: power to make laws, regulate commerce, coin money) even if those laws are not explicitly listed in the Constitution. 

The basis of Congress's "implied powers"

What is the Necessary and Proper Clause?


This Amendment reserves power to the states if reserved powers are not granted to the national government. 

Example: things like legislating over education

What is the Tenth Amendment?


Explain, use one example - Federalism

What is Federalism? (Federalist Paper 51)
