Rule #1 of dividing syllables.
What is divide after the vowel?
Rule #2 of dividing syllables.
What is divide between 2 consonants?
The name of the Youtuber who calls his subscribers "sisters".
What is James Charles?
The group of vowels known as the bully/strong vowels.
The group of vowels known as the weak vowels.
What is A, E, O?
What is I,U?
The Spanish word "fuerte" divided into syllables.
What is fuer te?
A popular Youtuber, who calls himself "the Shogun" known for his gaming videos and his "try not to laugh" videos.
What is CoryxKenshin?
The Spanish word "Costa" divided into syllables.
What is cos ta?
The Spanish word "comprar" divided into syllables.
What is com prar?
The 2 rules associated with the weak and bully vowels.
What is "if two bully vowels are next to each other, separate them" and "if there are either two weak vowels or one weak and one bully vowel, keep them together"?
The Spanish word "maestra" divided into syllables.
What is ma es tra?
The Spanish word, "pena" divided into syllables.
What is pe na?
The 3 main characters in the popular anime series, Naruto.
What are Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura?
The Spanish word "escribir" divided into syllables.
What is es cri bir?
The Spanish word "toalla" divided into syllables.
What is to a lla?
The Spanish word "elefante" divided into syllables.
What is e le fan te?
The Spanish word "camina" divided into syllables.
What is Ca mi na?
The Spanish word "cantante" divided into syllables.
What is can tan te?
The Spanish word "instante" divided into syllables.
What is in stan te?
The Spanish word "basquetbol" divided into syllables.
What is bas quet bol?
The name of the official Brighter Choice Community School therapy dog.
What is Chester?
The Spanish word "cuchilla" divided into syllables.
What is cu chi lla?
The Spanish word "alcanzar" divided into syllables.
What is al can zar?
The Spanish word "instrumento" divided into syllables.
What is in stru men to?
The initial of Ms. Perrella's middle name.
What is the letter A?
The Spanish word "restringido" divided into syllables.
What is res trin gi do?