Design Challenge STEAM
Design Challenge Humanities
Issues & Choices
Book Club/Future Success

6A/8th: Where is Ivan currently going to school?
6B/9th: What sweet did groups get as a prize if their water tower passed the 10 second test?
7th: What does Sean yell to get everyone's attention in the classroom?

6A/8th: Oregon State University. Go beavers!
6B/9th: Hi-Chews


6B/9th: What is one piece of art or a inspirational poster in Tim/Vanessa's Humanities classroom?
7th: What candy does Selina hand out for participation?
6A/8th: What problem is our design challenge addressing?

6B/9th: Answers vary
7th: Life Savers
6A/8th: Water access, access to water


6B: What makes a good friend?
9th: Name something you do for self-care
6A/8: Define Relationships
7th: What are the names of your teachers

6B/9th: Answers vary
6A/8th: Answers vary
7th: Mashika & Evelyn


6A/8th: What room is Book Club/Future Success in?
6B/9th: What are your teachers' names?
7th: What are the names of your Book Club teachers?

6A/8th: Room 214
6B/9th: Jo and Marvin
7th: April and Nancy


What breakfast was served this morning?

Yogurt, granola, cookies, bagel w/creamcheese


6A/8th: What does Mr. Ayala teach during the regular school year?
7th: How tall were our water towers supposed to be?
6B/9th: How many stickers were in the sticker book we had on the first day of class/to decorate our towers?

6A/8th: Spanish
7th: 1 Foot/12 Inches
6B/9th: 1000+


6B/9th: What is the talking piece we used during the first two days of class in Tim/Vanessa's Humanities?
7th: What games have you played in Selina & Bill's Room?
6A/8th: How many people are allowed per design challenge group?

6B/9th: The Juicy Couture Pillow
7th: Animal charades or Who am I
6A/8th: 2-4


6B: What ice breaker did we play Monday & Tuesday?
9th: What is a boundary?
6A/8th: Define Friendships
7th: What is an affirmation?

6B: Poison Dart Frog
9th: Answers vary
6A/8: Answers vary
7th: A positive statement that you can say about yourself?


6A/8th: What is the name of the first short story we read?
6B/9th: What was the title of our first book club story?
7th: What’s our room number?

6A/8th: "This is How I Remember It"
6B/9th: This is How I Remember it
7th: Room 201


What is the name of the new Star Wars show on Disney+ that features a Jedi coming out of hiding?

Obi Wan Kenobi


6A/8th: How tall did your tower have to be in the design challenge?
7th: What is the theme of STEM class door/classroom?
6B/9th: What is one unit rate (fraction where the top and bottom are the same thing in different units) you remember from last Thursday?

6A/8th: 12inches/1 foot
7th: Underwater/deep sea
6B/9th: Answers vary, should be something like 3 ft/1 yard, 1 L/1000 mL, etc


6B/9th: What rap song and artist can be used to help explain Growth Mindset in Tim/Vanessa's Humanities class?
7th: What are Selina and Bills' favorite animals?
6A/8th: What is one cause of desertification?

6B/9th: Drake / Started from the Bottom
7th: Selina - Jellyfish, Bill - Wolf
6A/8th: Drought, marginal land, overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation, or soil erosion


6B: Name something you do for self-care
9th: What natural sounds does Shanika play during 5 mins of meditation?
6A/8th: What is one way you keep in touch with your friends?
7th: Does self care mean you're selfish?

6B: Answers vary
9th: rainforest nature sounds
6A/8th: Social Media platforms
7th: No, Self care is necessary because we should put ourselves first


6A/8th: What school does Caleb attend?
6B/9th: List 1 financial Aid Resource mentioned in class
7th: What are the two quizzes you guys have taken in Future Success?

6A/8th: USC
6B/9th: Scholarships, Grants, Work Studies, Loans, **YOUTH OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP!
7th: Personality and career quiz

Name 1 Volunteer

answers vary


6A/8th: Name one of Austin's favorite hobbies.
7th: What are the 3 prizes Sean gives out for good behavior/participation in class?
6B/9th: What is one aspect of design thinking?

6A/8th: Running/track, watching Asian dramas, karaoke, hiking
7th: Anime stickers, erasers, and starbursts/candy
6B/9th: Any of share, identify/define, investigate/empathize, ideate, test, and prototype


6B/9th: Why is the La Grande / Blue Excelsior Water Tower built on top of a hill?
7th: What was the name of the desert we talked about when we were discussing desertification?
6A/8th: What are the six steps of design thinking?

6B/9th: So gravity can help the water flow down to the neighborhoods below.
7th: Sahel desert
6A/8th: Identify OR Define, Empathize OR Investigate, Ideate, Test, Prototype, Share.


6B: Name a boundary you can set with your friends through the digital world
9th: What is emotional intelligence?
6A/8th: What is a boundary
7th: Who does our community consist of?

6B/9th: Answers vary
6A/8th: limits that you set in a relationship for your mental health to be protected
7th: may vary


6A/8th: What types of financial aid do you not have to pay back?
6B/9th: What is a financial aid resource that you have to pay back?
7th: What’s the name of the first short story we read in class?

6A/8th: Grants and Scholarships
6B/9th: Loans
7th: This Is How I Remember It


Name 4 Players on the Golden State Warriors

responses will vary


6A/8th: What are the three states of matter?
7th: What is Nolan most scared of?
6B/9th: What group won the award for team spirit in your section/grade?

6A/8th: liquid, solid, gas
7th: Bugs
6B:ie between Duck Leg and Pencil
9A/B - the Impossible Tower / Carna Viana and Sophia’s group


6B/9th: How many gallons of water can the La Grande / Blue Excelsior Water Tower hold?
7th: What is the talking piece for our classroom?
6A/8th: What is the definition of "interdisciplinary?

6B/9th: 350,000 Gallons
7th: Disco fly glasses
6A/8th: Combining or involving two or more academic disciplines, fields of study, or professions


6B: What is the name of Shanika's co-teacher?
9th: What pictures did Shanika show for the first 5 mins in class on Tuesday?
6A/8th: What boundary did Ms. G's brother give their relationship?
7th: What items are on our door?

6B: Erick
9th: photos of herself in high school
6A/8th: He told her to ask for sharing food
7th: Sun, grass, and baloons!


6A/8th:Who is the author of the first short story we read?
6B/9th: What shoes did Jo wear to her high school graduation?
7th: What is one of the paintings we have in our classroom?

6A/8th: Betsy Kemper
6B/9th: Crocs
7th: Ask Nancy and April


Where is the World Cup Going to be held?

