Impact on Learning
More Exceptionalities

A student is having a hard time expressing his/her emotions, building relationships, and regulating his/her emotions in different situations.

What is an emotional disability?


A kindergarten student is struggling with communication, changes in routine, and following directions. She is socially withdrawn and takes longer to respond to a question. She is easily distracted, lacks attention, and has emotional outbursts at times.  

What is developmental delay?



What is Response to Instruction?


A teacher is encouraging a student to explore his passions and use creativity. The teacher uses a pretest to determine what this student knows before teaching a lesson. The teacher decides to assign him an individual project working on the same standards as the rest of the class.

What is gifted? 


This learner's brain differences affect how his/her brain works. The idea is not that something needs fixed, but that every child processes information and interests with the world differently.

What is a neurodivergent learner?


A condition that can be permanent or fluctuates. It can range from mild to profound. The condition affects the child's ability to hear the intensities and frequencies associated with speech.

What is Deaf and Hard of Hearing?


The student with this exceptionality may appear to be lazy or unmotivated. He is highly creative and curious, but struggles with reading. He has difficulty with organization and planning, but excels in mathematics.

What is twice exceptional?



What is Least Restrictive Environment?


The teacher of this exceptionality will gain the students attention before talking. She will make sure the student is looking at her and she will avoid standing in front of the light source. She also avoids speaking when her back is to the student. 

What is deaf and hard of hearing?


This student has difficulty with articulation and correctly forming sounds. He has an average cognitive and academic ability.

What is speech impairment?


This student has average cognitive and academic ability. Her disability causes her to have difficulty with listening, writing, and correctly forming sentences.

What is a language impairment?


A student with this exceptionality is quiet, withdrawn and lacks self-confidence. He has increased mental flexibility and tends to be more creative that his peers. He is fluent in Spanish.

What is English Learner or Bilingual Learner?



What is Individualized Education Program?


The teacher that has a student with this exceptionality has been communicating with the speech language pathologist. She has also been listening attentively to the student. The teacher give verbal cues and speaks clearly to the student. She is also very patient when listening to the student share in class.

What is a speech impairment?


This student performs or has the capability to perform at a higher level compared to peers of the same age, experience, and environment.

What is a gifted student?


These students are gifted and have one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria.

What are twice exceptional learners?


The student with this exceptionality could have a high tendency to react to common circumstances with improper behaviors or emotions. This student may be less social and struggle to build and maintain relationships.

What is an emotional disability?



What is free and appropriate public education?

The teacher that has a student with this exceptionality provides appropriate models of language for the student to imitate. She encourages the student to repeat her if he asks for something incorrectly. The teacher has also been communicating with the speech language pathologist.

What is language impairment?


This student does not have an IEP. His primary language at home is not English, but he was born in the United States.

What is English Learner or Bilingual Learner?


A student with damage to the brain caused by injury such as a fall, firearm related, or motor vehicle accident.

What is Traumatic Brain Injury?


A student with this exceptionality is usually accompanied by an intervenor. Assistive technology of some kind may be used, as well as an interpreter.

What is Deaf Blind?



What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?


The teacher that has a student with this exceptionality recently changed the student's schedule to be less demanding. The classroom environment is calm and quiet, with limited distractions. The teacher removes any extra material for the student. In addition, the work is divided up and the student completes just one task at a time.

What is traumatic brain injury?


This exceptionality could cause a student to struggle with gross motor, fine motor, cognitive development, receptive language, expressive language, social development, emotional development, and/or adaptive development. Students are eligible for this from the ages of 3-9. 

What is Developmental Delay?
