This is the second in line to the President
Vice President
He was the Second President of the United States and the first Vice President to be elected President
John Adams
What does, "the freedom to take action" mean?
That the President can make decisions even if they will later need congressional approval
Why don’t skeletons run for elected office?
He didn't have the guts
This Department is in charge of counter terrorism in the United States
The Department of Homeland Security
He was selected as Vice President by William McKinley due to his popularity, but became president after the Presidents assassination. He went on to be one of the greatest Presidents of all time
Theodore Roosevelt
Who was the President who attempted to steal a rivals information and was forced to resign due to potential impeachment by Congress and the supreme court
Richard Nixon
Why don’t Congressmen ever discuss anything in a cornfield?
Too many Ears
These Commissions are selected by Congress and in charge of regulating various aspects of every day life such as the FCC censoring radio and television
Regulatory committees
He was Franklin Roosevelt's Vice President who became President after FDR passed away from age. He is remembered as a great President and oversaw the end of World War 2
Harry Truman
The President who made a deal with France to purchase the Louisiana territory. It was then approved and paid for by congress
Thomas Jefferson
Why did the truth cross the road?
To get away from the politicians
These act like regular corporations but are run by the government to offer services that may be too expensive for regular corporations or need regulation
Government Corporations
He was the first Vice President to become President due to the death of the sitting President
John Tyler
The President who tried to take control of Steel companies during the Korean War, but was overruled by the Supreme Court
Harry Truman
What is it called when a republican and a Democrat agree on something
Agreeing to disagree
This system is designed to prevent unqualified citizens from being employed to the Executive Branch
The Civil Service system
He was Andrew Jackson's Vice President and became President himself. Despite this he is blamed for a lot of the economic issues that were created by Jackson
Martin Van Buren
This was the President who attempted to form and join the league of Nations, but was denied membership for the US by congress
Woodrow Wilson
Why are politicians like diapers
They should be changed often and for the same reason