Who is the biggest employer in the United States?
The Executive Branch
A term is 4 years and a president can serve 2 terms
Who is the first person to become president if the current acting president has to leave the office?
The Vice President
A special group of people that advise the president.
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile
Who does the president appoint to lead each department of the Executive Branch?
Secretaries (Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury. etc.)
How often does a presidential election occur?
Every 4 years
How is a Vice President elected?
The title given the the President's spouse
First Lady or if it were to be a man, First Gentleman
Who painted the "Mona Lisa"?
Leonardo Di Vinci
What is one thing that Executive Branch agencies can do to enforce a law?
1. Educate the public
2. Monitor the public to make sure laws are being followed
3. Catch individuals or organizations breaking the law
4. Take suspects to court
Name 1 of the qualifications you must meet before becoming POTUS.
1. Be at least 35 years old
2. Be a natural born citizen
3. Must have lived in the US for the last 14 years
Who is the current VP?
Kamala Harris
This person is the head of the armed forces
The Commander in Chief (aka POTUS)
What state is John F Kennedy from?
Double Jeopardy
What is the DoD in charge of?
The armed forces (military)
This person is responsible for picking new supreme court justices
The President
Name one of the jobs of the Vice President.
1. Is "president" of the Senate
2. First in line of succession to the presidency
3. Spokesperson for the president
The title given to most of the heads of the President's cabinet.
Who said "do or do not, there is no try"?
Which secretary manages our relationships with foreign countries?
Secretary of State
Double Jeopardy
What is the major responsibility of the POTUS?
They are responsible for executing, or carrying out the nation's laws
Double Jeopardy
How was the VP chosen when our country first began?
The person who came in 2nd for the presidential election was given the position
The title given to the head of the Department of Justice.
Attorney General
Who was the 3rd POTUS
Thomas Jefferson