The person in charge of the executive branch at the national level
The President
This person is in charge at the state level
The head of the local government are
Mayors and Managers
The president Confirms or Appoints Cabinet members and judges (pick one)
The head of the Political party
Chief of Party
Second in charge of the executive branch
The Vice President
This person is second in line at the state level
Lieutenant Governor
The group that makes laws for the county is known as the
Board of Supervisors.
The President Makes or Sign/Vetoes Laws
Sign and Veto
Represents all of the people
Chief Citizen
The presidents top 15 advisers make up his
This group makes laws for the Governor that he will sign or veto
The General Assembly
The legislative branch for Town and Cities meet up to discuss laws and taxes in
The President Creates or Approves the annual budget.
Head of the nations armed forces
Commander in Chief
People who represent the USA in another country
Which title belongs to the governor is he the Chief Executive or Administrator
Chief Administrator
A local law is known as an
The president is in charge of commanding the military or declaring war.
Commanding the military
Ceremonial head of the government
Chief of State
This group of people work for the executive branch but are not elected
The Bureaucracy
All the unelected workers are known as what?
What kind of pet does Ms. Arza have
The Executive Branch Makes or Enforces the laws.
Proposes laws and sets the party agenda
Chief Legislator