Name a strength:
What is one thing you are really good at?
Must have named 1 strength!
what is something you would say instead of "I can't do this!"
"I can’t do this YET, but I can try!"
"How do you know when you’re feeling frustrated? What happens in your body?"
if you have a big homework project, what is the first thing you would do?
Must give the first step in their big project
one person reads a random sentence the other person has to repeat it back, then both of you get points (idea - make it super detailed)
both must participate!
Act out an activity you are good at without speaking.
Must have acted out an activity!
Pretend you are looking in a mirror, what is one nice thing you would say about yourself.
Must say one nice thing to self.
breathe it out:
Demonstrate a calming breathing exercise that we learned or something that you do to relax your body
- counting on fingers
- stop, think, do
- 4,7,8
imagine you are running late, what should you have done differently to be on time?
Must say one thing they would've done to be on time
give 3-step instruction... see if the other person can memorize it in order
must complete the activity successfully
If you have one superpower based on one of your strengths, what would it be?
Must come up with a superpower based on strength.
"If you made a mistake on a test, how can you turn that into a learning moment?"
"I’ll review what I got wrong and try again."
act out an emotion and the other person has to guess what it is, if you both get it right, you both get points!
plan it out: your book report is due next week - how would you plan your time?
give 5-step instruction... see if the other person can memorize it in order,
must complete the 5 step instruction successfully
Think of a time you were proud of yourself. What happened?
Must have said something that they were proud of.
You say a negative thought out loud "I am bad at reading" what can you say to make it into something positive / encouraging!
must say one positive thing!
tool box: what is something in your tool box that you use when your feeling down, or need to calm down, give me an example of when you used it
must answer both parts of the questions
must say a step by step routine
say 5 random objects, the other person must repeat them back to you in order, if they do it correctly they get points
must have repeated it back in order successfully
What is something you would tell your future self, or encouraging, when your having a bad day?
Must say something you would tell your future self.
change the following sentence, using the word YET in the new sentence...
"I'll never be good at soccer!"
"I'm not good at soccer YET, but I can practice!"
must list 3 things to calm down
what is one way to stop yourself from procrastinating on a boring task?
must give example, here are some examples..
- set a time
- give myself a reward
- break it into smaller stpes
must say 5 things in the picked category in 10 seconds, the person will start the timer, after the category is choosen
must say 5 things in the picked category within 10 seconds to receive points