
What is ATP?

form of energy that cells can use 


What are the 6 nutrients?

carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water


What is the macro, meso, and micro cycle?

Macro- your season program as a whole, all year around

Meso- a particular training block within the macrocycle, around a month long

Micro- around a weeklong in you mesocycle


List 1 eating disorder, and a brief summary.

Anorexia: eating very little or not eating.

Bulimia: binge eating then throwing up after (purging)

Binge: eating frequency and excessively at once.

Disordered eating: eating normally and an eating disorder, include restrictive eating, compulsive eating, or irregular or inflexible eating patterns.


How long do depression symptoms last?

Minimum of 2 weeks, to months.


What is a calorie?

Unit of measurment of the energy in food.


explain how to find the calories eaten for the different nutrients off a food label

fats time 9

protein times 4

carbs time 4


What is the difference between Strength, endurance, and power?

strength is the ability to move heavy weight.

power is the ability to move weight with speed.

endurance is the ability to perform many repetitions of an exercise.


What are some causes of eating disorders? Answers may vary.

Social media, dieting, poor body image, & playing sports.


How do you find starches in a food label?

you take your total carbs and subtract the fiber & sugars from it to calculate the starches.


What is metabolism?

all the biochemical reactions that occur in the body.


Which nutrients provide energy and which ones dont?

provide energy- carbs, proteins, fats

dont provide energy- vitamins, nutrients, and water


What is the F.I.T.T. principals?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type


List 3 facts about sleep. Answers may vary.

Sleep helps you brain work properly

heals and repairs

health balance of hormones

effects how your body reacts to insula

growth and development

having a regular, relaxing bed time routine free of stressors (homework, exercise) can help you fall asleep faster.


What are the components of the Wheel of Excellence? (Must list all 7 for complete points)

Focus, Commitment, Mental readiness, Positive visions and images, Confidence, Distraction control, & Ongoing learning.


What is Body Mass Index(BMI)?

a measure of body fat based of weight and height.


How do you find Net carbs?

subtract the fiber from the total number of carbs. 


What is the difference between atrophy and hypertrophy?

hypertrophy: an increase in total mass of a muscle.

atrophy: an decrease in total mass of a muscle.


What is the difference between stress and anxiety? How long do they each last?

stress is a demand on your brain or body; can be controlled. short term feeling.

anxiety is a feeling of fear or worry; is uncontrollable. long term feeling.


List the theories that tell us how the body responds to a given exercise stimulus and give a short explanation of each. 

general adaption syndrome: describes the physiologic changes your body goes through as it responds to stress. these changes occur in stages, an alarm reaction called fight-or-flight, a resistance phase.

stimulus fatigue recovery adaption theory: the greater the overall magnitude of the workload encountered, the more fatigue accumulates and the longer the delay before complete recovery and adaption can occur.

fitness fatigue theory: describes the effect of overtraining on athletic performance.


What is cellular respiration?

is how we derive energy from the food we eat, specifically glucose, which is where most of our food ends up. 


what is hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia?

hyperglycemia is high blood sugar and excess sugar is stored in the liver and muscle cells as glycogen

hypoglycemia is low blood sugar and the liver would break down stored glycogen and release glucose into the blood stream


What the different types of training methods and a very brief description?

Plyometric: increase power & speed

Flexibility: improve the ability of a joint to the movement necessary for doing daily task.

Weight: training using weights

Interval: exercising with periods of rest built into the session

Circuit: rotating through different exercises targeting different parts of the body.

Continuous: maintain a heart rate at a desired level.

Fartlek: periods of exercise and rest.


Name 3 athletes who needed a sports psychologist?

  • Russell Wilson
  • Micheal Jordan
  • Tom Brady
  • Aaron Judge
  • Nick Faldo
  • Andrew Wiggins
  • Karl Anthony Towns
  • Simone Biles (you may not use the article from class)
  • Mikaela Shiffrin
  • Framber Valdez
  • Naomi Osaka
  • Christen Press  Keyani
  • Kerri Walsh (you may not use the article from class)
  • Giannis Antetokounmpo
  • Dak Prescott
  • Jamie Anderson
  • Laura Kenny
  • Michael Phelps
  • Holly Edmondston
  • Serena Williams
  • Usain Bolt
  • Aly Raisman
  • Ronda Rousey
  • DeMar DeRozan
  • Amanda Beard
  • Kevin Love
  • Abby Wombach
  • Allison Schmitt
  • Justin Duchscherer
  • Ricky Williams
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Peyton Manning
  • Ash Phillips
  • Tiger Woods
  • Ron Artest

What are the recommended daily requirements for sugar, cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium, and fiber?

sugar: less than 10% of the total daily calories.

cholesterol: no more than 300mg per day saturated.

fats: less than 10% of the total calories 

sodium: less than 2,300mg per day

fiber: 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories
