What does FITT stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
What is the recommended amount of moderate exercise per week?
150-300 minutes per week
Define an obesogenic envionment.
An environment that helps, or contributes to obesity.
What are some conditions linked to obesity?
Cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, and Diabetes Type II.
What are the impacts of an active lifestyle and planned exercise?
A significant impact on health and lowered risk of disease, especially cardiovascular disease.
How do you use the FITT principle?
To help determine if you are participating in a healthy lifestyle.
What is the recommended amount of vigorous exercise per week?
75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise
What are the factors that contribute to an obesogenic environment?
Lack of paths, food deserts, no healthy options close
What are some causes for obesity?
Ultra-processed foods, sugar intake, reduction in manual labor, fast food restaurants.
How does exercise help your heart?
Lowers blood pressure, helps moderate weight, reduces cortisol, lowers risk for some cancers.