1.This shows your flight and seat information.
A.boarding card
B.check-in desk
C.duty free
ANSWER: A.boarding card
B: We have some fresh red roses.
A: How … are the roses?
For the next way turn around
A: in a library
B: in a highway
C: in a shop center
B: In a highway
An eagle, if pressed for food, might … a small baby that had been left in the open.
carry off
1. I could hear a dog last night, so I couldn’t sleep.
2.You must wear this when a plane takes off and lands.
A.boarding card
C.seat belt
ANSWER: C.seat belt
B: Yes, you came here on the right day. They're on sale today.
A: Give me a dozen.
B: Very good. Would you like … else?
Please don't touch the instruments
A: in a theater
B: in a aeroport
c: in a hospital
c: in a hospital
Perhaps you could start by telling me why you’ve …
applied for this job
2. You can be at risk of if you go hiking in the Scottish mountains in the winter.
3.After you land, you can collect this in the airport.
B.boarding card
ANSWER: A. baggage
A: How are you doing today?
B: Great. What can I help you with?
A: I need to make an … for a haircut.
Dont pass near
A: in a school
B: at a construction site
C: in a football game
B: at a construction site
I like working in the . .
pure air
3. Obama promised to a battle against poverty around the world.
4.This is where you wait to board (get on) the plane.
A.check-in desk
B.departures board
ANSWER: C. gate
A: I would like to book a flight.
B: I can help you with that. Where are you … to?
pay for accommodation upon arrival
A: in a hotel
B: in a aeroport
C: in a school
A: in a hotel
Do you like the idea of an office with …?
air conditioning
4. I often find a software when I use a Windows PC.
5.This is where you leave your baggage and get your boarding card.
B.departures board
C.duty free
ANSWER: A check-in-desk
B: What time are you arriving?
A: I will be … at 3:00 in the afternoon.
No parking
A:In a mall
B:In a highway
C:In a gas station
C: In a gas station
I don’t understand what you’re …
on about
5. I can’t describe how he was with the medal he received from the Queen.