Who is the God of Love, and Companionship?
What is Cupid
Who was the Ogre Mercenary that guarded the Bloodspider's tent during the Keromonian fuel heist?
What is Xanxabar the Man-Eater
What rarity is most if not all of the player character's UNIQUE starting item? (i.e: Gut, Harvest, Porcupine Shield, Gunther)
What is rare
What are the quad-pedal creatures that the party first encountered in the Badlands?
What is Skin Spider
What class has the highest base starting HP at level 1?
What is Barbarian
How many kingdoms are in Adiri Isles?
What is seven (Terra, Ostaria, Eden, Feronia, Heliyzen, Khidroa, Arkainir)
What race is Savannah Marmalade of Azure Drake Detective Agency?
What is Fire Genasi?
What does the Hallow's Eve candy, Chocolate Bark, do?
What is turns the user's skin into chocolate
What damage vulnerability does a Skeleton have?
What is Bludgeoning damage
What is the most COMMON Race and Class combination in the entirety of DnD?
What is Human Fighter
What is the most SIGNIFICANT era in Exhaldia that changed the geography of the world, created Gods, and all the current factions, and was only stopped by the Metallic Dragons of the Dragonpeaks?
What is the Warring Period
Who is Cali's girlfriend?
What is Maine?
What does the Unlimited Pasta Pass do BESIDES Elli providing you with unlimited pasta of almost any kind for the owner of the pass?
What is provides free drinks for the guests
They are a subsidiary gang of the Bloodspider Brotherhood gang and are considered to be the 'Muscles'.
What is the Pikes
What Rogueish archetype is a 1v1 Dueling specialist? (Rogueish archetype is the Rogue's version of a Subclass)
What is Swashbuckler
Out of the 8 adventurer's rank, what is the HIGHEST rank?
What is Adamantium
Who was Antonio's cousin who was rescued?
What is Fernando
What is the main feature of the Watchdog's Greatsword?
What is allowing the user to cast True Strike three times before requiring a long rest.
Alongside the Burial Watchdogs, there are smaller statues that come to life to protect the Catacombs and Dungeons against outsiders, what are these called?
What is Burial Imps
What class receives features such as Extra Attack, Foe Slayer and Favored Enemy?
What is Ranger?
Who founded the Dragon Communion?
What is Makar (The Dragon-Eater)
Who was the Bronze Dragon the party met in Arkainir?
What is ThunderGlide/Phendris
What are the stat buffs of Jehoram's Carving?
What is the user gains +5ft to walking speed and +2 to Dexterity saving throws
Who is the LEADER of the Kegger Krew?
What is Coldstein "Kegger" Cider
What is the Official class that was created by Critical Role Dungeon Master Matthew Mercer and IS available in DnDBeyond?
What is Bloodhunter